Here is a list of my publications to date. Alternatively you can visit my Google Scholar Google scholar or ORCID profiles. Links are either to arXiv versions of preprints or to the published papers. Offprints of published papers can be obtained by emailing me at the address at the foot of this page.
Journal publications
- 22. C. Bowman, A. G. Cox, A. Hazi, and D. Michailidis
- Path combinatorics and light leaves for quiver Hecke algebras
- Mathematische Zeitschrift, 300 (2021), 2167-2203.
- Reviews: MR 4381198 and Zbl 07489546
- 21. C. Bowman, A. G. Cox, and A. Hazi
- Path isomorphisms between quiver Hecke and diagrammatic Bott-Samelson endomorphism algebras
- Advances in Mathematics, 429 (2023), 109185, 106 pages
- 20. S. Barbier, A. G. Cox, and M. De Visscher
- The blocks of the periplectic Brauer algebra in positive characteristic
- Journal of Algebra, 534 (2019), 289-312.
- Reviews: MR 3979076 and Zbl 07081753
- 19. C. Bowman and A. G. Cox
- Modular decomposition numbers of cyclotomic Hecke and diagrammatic Cherednik algebra: a path theoretic approach
- Forum of Mathematics: Sigma, 6 (2018), 66 pages.
- Reviews: MR 3820251 and Zbl 06912859
- 18. C. Bowman, A. G. Cox, and L. Speyer
- A family of graded decomposition numbers for diagrammatic Cherednik algebras
- International Mathematics Research Notices, 2017 (2017), 2686-2734.
- Reviews: MR 3658213 and Zbl 1404.20002
- 17. C. Bowman and A. G. Cox
- Decomposition numbers for Brauer algebras of type G(m,p,n) in characteristic zero
- Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 218 (2014), 992-1002.
- Reviews: MR 3153609 and Zbl 1287.20006
- 16. C. Bowman, A. G. Cox, and M. De Visscher
- Decomposition matrices for the cyclotomic Brauer algebras in characteristic zero
- Journal of Algebra, 378 (2013), 80-102.
- Reviews: MR 3017015 and Zbl 1294.16009
- 15. A. G. Cox and M. De Visscher
- Diagrammatic Kazhdan-Lusztig theory for the (walled) Brauer algebra
- Journal of Algebra, 340 (2011), 151-181.
- Reviews: MR 12j16029 and Zbl 1269.20037
- 14. A. G. Cox, M. De Visscher, and P. P. Martin
- Alcove geometry and a translation principle for the Brauer algebra
- Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 215 (2011), 335-367.
- Reviews: MR 11j16018 and Zbl 1269.20038
- 13. A. G. Cox, M. De Visscher, S. Doty, and P. P. Martin
- On the blocks of the walled Brauer algebra
- Journal of Algebra, 320 (2008), 169-212.
- Reviews: MR 09c16094 and Zbl 1196.20004
- 12. A. G. Cox, M. De Visscher, and P. P. Martin
- A geometric characterisation of the blocks of the Brauer algebra
- J. London Math. Soc. 80 (2009), 471-494.
- Reviews: MR 10h20100 and Zbl 1231.20042
- 11. A. G. Cox, M. De Visscher, and P. P. Martin
- The blocks of the Brauer algebra in characteristic zero
- Representation Theory 13 (2009), 272-308.
- Reviews: MR 10m20068 and Zbl 1230.20046
- 10. A. G. Cox and A. E. Parker
- Homomorphisms and higher extensions for Schur algebras and symmetric groups
- Journal of Algebra and its Applications 4 (2005), 645-670.
- Reviews: MR 07c20028 and Zbl 1100.20006
- 9. A. G. Cox, P. P. Martin, A. E. Parker, and C. C. Xi
- Representation theory of towers of recollement: theory, notes, and examples
- Journal of Algebra 302 (2006), 340-360.
- Reviews: MR 07b16028 and Zbl 1147.16016
- 8. A. G. Cox and A. E. Parker
- Homomorphisms between Weyl modules for SL3(k)
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (2006), 4159-4207.
- Reviews: MR 07e20095 and Zbl 1160.20035
- 7. A. G. Cox
- The tilting tensor product theorem and decomposition numbers for symmetric groups
- Algebras and Representation Theory 10 (2007), 307-314.
- Reviews: MR 08k20022 and Zbl 1121.20008
- 6. A. G. Cox, J. J. Graham, and P. P. Martin
- The blob algebra in positive characteristic
- Journal of Algebra 266 (2003), 584-635.
- Reviews: MR 04f20012 and Zbl 1144.20300
- 5. A. G. Cox
- Decomposition numbers for distant Weyl modules
- Journal of Algebra 243 (2001), 448-472.
- Reviews: MR 02k20081 and Zbl 1022.20019
- 4. A. G. Cox and K. Erdmann
- On Ext2 between Weyl modules for quantum GLn
- Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 128 (2000), 441-463.
- Reviews: MR 00m20069 and Zbl 0963.20021
- 3. A. G. Cox
- On the blocks of the infinitesimal Schur algebras
- Quart. J. Math. 51 (2000), 39-56.
- Reviews: MR 01a16024 and Zbl 1006.20036
- 2. A. G. Cox
- The blocks of the q-Schur algebras
- Journal of Algebra 207 (1998), 306-325.
- Reviews: MR 99k16078 and Zbl 0911.16021
- 1. A. G. Cox
- Ext1 for Weyl modules for q-GL(2,k)
- Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 124 (1998), 231-251.
- Reviews: MR 99h17018 and Zbl 0911.20033
Other publications
- 3. A. G. Cox
- Introduction to representations of algebras and quivers
- In Algebra, Logic and Combinatorics LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series 3 (2016), 69-104.
- 2. A. G. Cox
- The passage from physics to representation theory
- Notes for a summer school on Representation Theory in Differential Geometry and Physics
- at the IMSP, Porto Novo, Benin, (2005).
- 1. A. G. Cox
- On some applications of infinitesimal methods to quantum groups and related algebras
- Thesis, QMW London, 1997
Anton Cox
Last modified: Friday 7 July 2023