Programming in C++
Exercise Sheet 2
- Create a new directory for this session’s exercises. Create a file containing
a bank account class. Your class should contain private fields for the customer’s name
and a balance, one or more constructors, extractor methods to access the name and
balance, and methods to deposit and withdraw an amount. Write a simple main
function that creates a few of these objects and tests them.
- How can you ensure that no bank account object is created without supplying a customer
- Move some of the methods out of the class, and get the result to compile. Also try this with
a constructor.
- Define a bank class, containing a vector of bank accounts, with methods to add a new
account and to print all the accounts.
- Add a method to deposit a specified amount into the account of a named customer, and
another to similarly withdraw. Use your print method to test them.
- Add a method to add a specified amount of interest (e.g. 3.5 meaning 3.5%) to each
account in the bank. Again, test it with your print method.