Keith Cuthbertson and Dirk Nitzsche

Quantitative Financial Economics

What other people said about the book


"QFE provides an excellent overview of received and more recent thinking on financial markets at a level suitable for graduate students and researchers. The treatment is well balanced between theory and empirical work, the coverage is wide and up-to-date and the exposition is clear, fluent and accessible. Every researcher and student of financial markets will want to have a copy of this book – not on their shelf but open on their desk."

Mark Taylor
Professor of Economics, University of Warwick
Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research

"One of the key challenges for economists and strategists working in the fund management industry is to develop and implement an investment process which is practical, firmly rooted in finance theory and statistically sound. This book brings together all the topics necessary to meet this challenge, and in a style that will make it very popular with finance practitioners. "

Andrew Clare
Financial Economist, Legal & General Investment Management, London

"This book is an essential cornerstone for every economist who wants to learn as well as understand the ever-expanding field of quantitative financial economics. Every researcher, practitioner and graduate student will benefit from the book's skillful presentation, insight and clarity of a wide range of important topics. A wonderful text and a definite 'must have' and 'must read'".

Gregory D. Hess
Russell S. Bock Professor of Economics
Claremont McKenna College, California.



© Keith Cuthbertson and Dirk Nitzsche, Cass Business School 2005
Problems? Contact Dr Nitzsche