Name | Institution | Payment Received |
Khalil Al-Ghafri | Sheffield University | Yes | Tony Arber | University of Warwick | Yes | Andrew Baggaley | Newcastle University | Yes |
Adrian Barker | University of Cambridge | Yes | Gert Botha | University of Warwick | Yes | Matthew Buckley | Newcastle University | Yes | Laura Burgess | University of Leeds | Yes | Paul Bushby | Newcastle University | Yes | Jack Campbell | University of Exeter | Yes | Christina Davies | University of Leeds | Yes | Cara Donnelly | University of Cambridge | Yes | William Edmunds | University of Cambridge | Yes | Benjamin Favier | Newcastle University | Yes | Andrew Fletcher | Newcastle University | Yes | Andrew Gascoyne | University of SHeffield | Yes | Frederick Gent | Newcastle University | Yes | Andrew Gilbert | University of Exeter | Yes | Zoe Gumm | City University London | Yes | Andrew Haynes | University of St Andrews | Yes | Benjamin Hepworth | University of Leeds | Yes | Alan Hood | University of St Andrews | Yes | Steve Houghton | University of Leeds | Yes | Agnieszka Hudoba | University of Coventry | Yes | David Hughes | University of Leeds | Yes | Rekha Jain | University of Sheffield | Yes | Samuel Jones | University of Exeter | Yes | Sanowar Khan | City University London | Eun-jin Kim | University of Sheffield | Yes | Dali Kong | University of Exeter | Yes | Phil Livermore | University of Leeds | Yes | Julian Mak | University of Leeds | Yes | Peter Mann | University of Cambridge | Yes | Andrew Newton | University of Sheffield | Yes | Yannick Ponty | CNRS Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur | Yes | Michael Proctor | University of Cambridge | Yes | Katy Richardson | University of Cambridge | Yes | Tamara Rogers | University of Arizona | Yes | Anvar Shukurov | Newcastle University | Yes | Lara Silvers | City University London | Yes | David Skinner | City University London | Yes | Andrew Smith | Newcastle University | Yes | Andrew Soward | University of Exeter | Yes | Binod Sreenivasan | Indian Institute of Technology | Yes | Kuan Tam | University of St Andrews | Yes | Youra Taroyan | Aberystwyth University | Yes | Robert Teed | University of Leeds | Yes | David Tsiklauri | Queen Mary, University of London | Yes | Cameron Van Eck | University of Calgary | Yes | Christopher Wareing | University of Leeds | Yes | Peter Wyper | University of Sheffield | Yes | Anthony Yeates | University of Dundee | Yes | Keke Zhang | University of Exeter | Yes |
Note that the conference fee for the meeting is £85, which needs to be paid by the 31st May. This fee includes refreshments and lunches on both days as well as the conference dinner.
Please note that if you wish to pay online then you should use Internet Explorer as there have been some problems recently with some versions of other browsers processing the payment.