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The ECOSOC Statute for Non-Governmental Organisations

From 1946 to 1950, NGO participation rights were acquired on a piecemeal basis. The developing practice was reviewed, amended slightly and codified by ECOSOC Resolution 288 X (B) of 27 February 1950. Following revelations that the CIA had been funding some NGOs (without their knowledge), the procedures were again reviewed and Resolution 1296 (XLIV) was passed as a revised statute. The amendments were minimal. The most notable was the change in the names for the categories of NGOs. In 1992, the UN Conference on Environment and Development at Rio resulted in a third review, which took four years to complete. Another version of the statute was passed as Resolution 1996/31 of 25 July 1996. This too produced some minor amendments and one significant political change: the presumption that an NGO must be "international" was deleted and it became routine to accept "national" NGOs to consultative status. Much of the text of Resolution 1996/31, which is still in force and will remain so for the foreseeable future, is identical to clauses in the first version of the statute in 1950. Thus the main features of the consultative arrangements have been in force for more than sixty years.

Copyright Peter Willetts, 2001.

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A plain text version of the following document was made available by the United Nations Department for Policy Co-ordination and Sustainable Development (DPCSD).

ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31, 25 July 1996

Consultative relationship between the United Nations and non-governmental organisations

Arrangements for Consultation with Non-Governmental Organisations

Part I  Principles to be Applied in the Establishment of Consultative Relations

Part II   Principles Governing the Nature of the Consultative Arrangements

Part III   Establishment of Consultative Relationships

Part IV  Consultation with the Council
                Provisional agenda
                Attendance at meetings
                Written statements
                Oral presentations during meetings

Part V  Consultation with Commissions and Other Subsidiary Organs of the Council
                Provisional agenda
                Attendance at meetings
                Written statements
                Oral presentations during meetings
                Special studies

Part VI   Consultations with ad hoc Committees of the Council

Part VII  Participation of Non-Governmental Organisations in International Conferences Convened by the United Nations and their Preparatory Process

Part VIII   Suspension and Withdrawal of Consultative Status

Part IX   Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations

Part X  Consultation with the Secretariat

Part XI  Secretariat Support

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United Nations Economic and Social Council Resolution 1996/31, 25 July 1996

Consultative relationship between the United Nations and non-governmental organisations

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling Article 71 of the Charter of the United Nations,

Recalling also its resolution 1993/80 of 30 July 1993, in which it requested a general review of arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organisations, with a view to updating, if necessary, Council resolution 1296 (XLIV) of 23 May 1968, as well as introducing coherence in the rules governing the participation of non-governmental organisations in international conferences convened by the United Nations, and also an examination of ways and means of improving practical arrangements for the work of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations and the Non-Governmental Organisations Section of the Secretariat,

Recalling further its decision 1995/304 of 26 July 1995,

Confirming the need to take into account the full diversity of the non-governmental organisations at the national, regional and international levels,

Acknowledging the breadth of non-governmental organisations' expertise and the capacity of non-governmental organisations to support the work of the United Nations,

Taking into account the changes in the non-governmental sector, including the emergence of a large number of national and regional organisations,

Calling upon the governing bodies of the relevant organisations, bodies and specialised agencies of the United Nations system to examine the principles and practices relating to their consultations with non-governmental organisations and to take action, as appropriate, to promote coherence in the light of the provisions of the present resolution,

Approves the following update of the arrangements set out in its resolution 1296 (XLIV) of 23 May 1968:


Part I

The following principles shall be applied in establishing consultative relations with non-governmental organisations:

1. The organisation shall be concerned with matters falling within the competence of the Economic and Social Council and its subsidiary bodies.

2. The aims and purposes of the organisation shall be in conformity with the spirit, purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

3. The organisation shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to promote knowledge of its principles and activities, in accordance with its own aims and purposes and the nature and scope of its competence and activities.

4. Except where expressly stated otherwise, the term "organisation" shall refer to non-governmental organisations at the national, subregional, regional or international levels.

5. Consultative relationships may be established with international, regional, subregional and national organisations, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles and criteria established under the present resolution. The Committee, in considering applications for consultative status, should ensure, to the extent possible, participation of non-governmental organisations from all regions, and particularly from developing countries, in order to help achieve a just, balanced, effective and genuine involvement of non-governmental organisations from all regions and areas of the world. The Committee shall also pay particular attention to non-governmental organisations that have special expertise or experience upon which the Council may wish to draw.

6. Greater participation of non-governmental organisations from developing countries in international conferences convened by the United Nations should be encouraged.

7. Greater involvement of non-governmental organisations from countries with economies in transition should be encouraged.

8. Regional, subregional and national organisations, including those affiliated to an international organisation already in status, may be admitted provided that they can demonstrate that their programme of work is of direct relevance to the aims and purposes of the United Nations and, in the case of national organisations, after consultation with the Member State concerned. The views expressed by the Member State, if any, shall be communicated to the non-governmental organisation concerned, which shall have the opportunity to respond to those views through the Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations.

9. The organisation shall be of recognised standing within the particular field of its competence or of a representative character. Where there exist a number of organisations with similar objectives, interests and basic views in a given field, they may, for the purposes of consultation with the Council, form a joint committee or other body authorised to carry on such consultation for the group as a whole.

10. The organisation shall have an established headquarters, with an executive officer. It shall have a democratically adopted constitution, a copy of which shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and which shall provide for the determination of policy by a conference, congress or other representative body, and for an executive organ responsible to the policy-making body.

11. The organisation shall have authority to speak for its members through its authorised representatives. Evidence of this authority shall be presented, if requested.

12. The organisation shall have a representative structure and possess appropriate mechanisms of accountability to its members, who shall exercise effective control over its policies and actions through the exercise of voting rights or other appropriate democratic and transparent decision-making processes. Any such organisation that is not established by a governmental entity or intergovernmental agreement shall be considered a non-governmental organisation for the purpose of these arrangements, including organisations that accept members designated by governmental authorities, provided that such membership does not interfere with the free expression of views of the organisation.

13. The basic resources of the organisation shall be derived in the main part from contributions of the national affiliates or other components or from individual members. Where voluntary contributions have been received, their amounts and donors shall be faithfully revealed to the Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations. Where, however, the above criterion is not fulfilled and an organisation is financed from other sources, it must explain to the satisfaction of the Committee its reasons for not meeting the requirements laid down in this paragraph. Any financial contribution or other support, direct or indirect, from a Government to the organisation shall be openly declared to the Committee through the Secretary-General and fully recorded in the financial and other records of the organisation and shall be devoted to purposes in accordance with the aims of the United Nations.

14. In considering the establishment of consultative relations with a non-governmental organisation, the Council will take into account whether the field of activity of the organisation is wholly or mainly within the field of a specialised agency, and whether or not it could be admitted when it has, or may have, a consultative arrangement with a specialised agency.

15. The granting, suspension and withdrawal of consultative status, as well as the interpretation of norms and decisions relating to this matter, are the prerogative of Member States exercised through the Economic and Social Council and its Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations. A non-governmental organisation applying for general or special consultative status or a listing on the Roster shall have the opportunity to respond to any objections being raised in the Committee before the Committee takes its decision.

16. The provisions of the present resolution shall apply to the United Nations regional commissions and their subsidiary bodies mutatis mutandis.

17. In recognising the evolving relationship between the United Nations and non-governmental organisations, the Economic and Social Council, in consultation with the Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations, will consider reviewing the consultative arrangements as and when necessary to facilitate, in the most effective manner possible, the contributions of non-governmental organisations to the work of the United Nations.

Part II

18. A clear distinction is drawn in the Charter of the United Nations between participation without vote in the deliberations of the Council and the arrangements for consultation. Under Articles 69 and 70, participation is provided for only in the case of States not members of the Council, and of specialised agencies. Article 71, applying to non-governmental organisations, provides for suitable arrangements for consultation. This distinction, deliberately made in the Charter, is fundamental and the arrangements for consultation should not be such as to accord to non-governmental organisations the same rights of participation as are accorded to States not members of the Council and to the specialised agencies brought into relationship with the United Nations.

19. The arrangements should not be such as to overburden the Council or transform it from a body for co-ordination of policy and action, as contemplated in the Charter, into a general forum for discussion.

20. Decisions on arrangements for consultation should be guided by the principle that consultative arrangements are to be made, on the one hand, for the purpose of enabling the Council or one of its bodies to secure expert information or advice from organisations having special competence in the subjects for which consultative arrangements are made, and, on the other hand, to enable international, regional, subregional and national organisations that represent important elements of public opinion to express their views. Therefore, the arrangements for consultation made with each organisation should relate to the subjects for which that organisation has a special competence or in which it has a special interest. The organisations given consultative status should be limited to those whose activities in fields set out in paragraph 1 above qualify them to make a significant contribution to the work of the Council and should, in sum, as far as possible reflect in a balanced way the major viewpoints or interests in these fields in all areas and regions of the world.

Part III

21. In establishing consultative relationships with each organisation, regard shall be had to the nature and scope of its activities and to the assistance it may be expected to give to the Council or its subsidiary bodies in carrying out the functions set out in Chapters IX and X of the Charter of the United Nations.

22. Organisations that are concerned with most of the activities of the Council and its subsidiary bodies and can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Council that they have substantive and sustained contributions to make to the achievement of the objectives of the United Nations in fields set out in paragraph 1 above, and are closely involved with the economic and social life of the peoples of the areas they represent and whose membership, which should be considerable, is broadly representative of major segments of society in a large number of countries in different regions of the world shall be known as organisations in general consultative status.

23. Organisations that have a special competence in, and are concerned specifically with, only a few of the fields of activity covered by the Council and its subsidiary bodies, and that are known within the fields for which they have or seek consultative status shall be known as organisations in special consultative status.

24. Other organisations that do not have general or special consultative status but that the Council, or the Secretary-General of the United Nations in consultation with the Council or its Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations, considers can make occasional and useful contributions to the work of the Council or its subsidiary bodies or other United Nations bodies within their competence shall be included in a list (to be known as the Roster). This list may also include organisations in consultative status or a similar relationship with a specialised agency or a United Nations body. These organisations shall be available for consultation at the request of the Council or its subsidiary bodies. The fact that an organisation is on the Roster shall not in itself be regarded as a qualification for general or special consultative status should an organisation seek such status.

25. Organisations to be accorded special consultative status because of their interest in the field of human rights should pursue the goals of promotion and protection of human rights in accordance with the spirit of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action.

26. Major organisations one of whose primary purposes is to promote the aims, objectives and purposes of the United Nations and a furtherance of the understanding of its work may be accorded consultative status.

Part IV

Provisional agenda

27. The provisional agenda of the Council shall be communicated to organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status and to those on the Roster.

28. Organisations in general consultative status may propose to the Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations that the Committee request the Secretary-General to place items of special interest to the organisations in the provisional agenda of the Council.

Attendance at meetings

29. Organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status may designate authorised representatives to sit as observers at public meetings of the Council and its subsidiary bodies. Those on the Roster may have representatives present at such meetings concerned with matters within their field of competence. These attendance arrangements may be supplemented to include other modalities of participation.

Written statements

30. Written statements relevant to the work of the Council may be submitted by organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status on subjects in which these organisations have a special competence. Such statements shall be circulated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the members of the Council, except those statements that have become obsolete, for example, those dealing with matters already disposed of and those that had already been circulated in some other form.

31. The following conditions shall be observed regarding the submission and circulation of such statements:

(a) The written statement shall be submitted in one of the official languages;

(b) It shall be submitted in sufficient time for appropriate consultation to take place between the Secretary-General and the organisation before circulation;

(c) The organisation shall give due consideration to any comments that the Secretary-General may make in the course of such consultation before transmitting the statement in final form;

(d) A written statement submitted by an organisation in general consultative status will be circulated in full if it does not exceed 2,000 words. Where a statement is in excess of 2,000 words, the organisations shall submit a summary which will be circulated or shall supply sufficient copies of the full text in the working languages for distribution. A statement will also be circulated in full, however, upon a specific request of the Council or its Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations;

(e) A written statement submitted by an organisation in special consultative status or on the Roster will be circulated in full if it does not exceed 500 words. Where a statement is in excess of 500 words, the organisation shall submit a summary which will be circulated; such statements will be circulated in full, however, upon a specific request of the Council or its Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations;

(f) The Secretary-General, in consultation with the President of the Council, or the Council or its Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations, may invite organisations on the Roster to submit written statements. The provisions of subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) and (e) above shall apply to such statements;

(g) A written statement or summary, as the case may be, will be circulated by the Secretary-General in the working languages, and, upon the request of a member of the Council, in any of the official languages.

Oral presentations during meetings

32. (a) The Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations shall make recommendations to the Council as to which organisations in general consultative status should make an oral presentation to the Council and on which items they should be heard. Such organisations shall be entitled to make one statement to the Council, subject to the approval of the Council. In the absence of a subsidiary body of the Council with jurisdiction in a major field of interest to the Council and to organisations in special consultative status, the Committee may recommend that organisations in special consultative status be heard by the Council on the subject in its field of interest;

(b) Whenever the Council discusses the substance of an item proposed by a non-governmental organisation in general consultative status and included in the agenda of the Council, such an organisation shall be entitled to present orally to the Council, as appropriate, an introductory statement of an expository nature. Such an organisation may be invited by the President of the Council, with the consent of the relevant body, to make, in the course of the discussion of the item before the Council, an additional statement for purposes of clarification.

Part V

Provisional agenda

33. The provisional agenda of sessions of commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Council shall be communicated to organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status and those on the Roster.

34. Organisations in general consultative status may propose items for the provisional agenda of commissions, subject to the following conditions:

(a) An organisation that intends to propose such an item shall inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations at least 63 days before the commencement of the session and before formally proposing an item shall give due consideration to any comments the Secretary- General may make;

(b) The proposal shall be formally submitted with the relevant basic documentation not later than 49 days before the commencement of the session. The item shall be included in the agenda of the commission if it is adopted by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.

Attendance at meetings

35. Organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status may designate authorised representatives to sit as observers at public meetings of the commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Council. Organisations on the Roster may have representatives present at such meetings that are concerned with matters within their field of competence. These attendance arrangements may be supplemented to include other modalities of participation.

Written statements

36. Written statements relevant to the work of the commissions or other subsidiary organs may be submitted by organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status on subjects for which these organisations have a special competence. Such statements shall be circulated by the Secretary-General to members of the commission or other subsidiary organs, except those statements that have become obsolete, for example, those dealing with matters already disposed of and those that have already been circulated in some other form to members of the commission or other subsidiary organs.

37. The following conditions shall be observed regarding the submission and circulation of such written statements:

(a) The written statement shall be submitted in one of the official languages;

(b) It shall be submitted in sufficient time for appropriate consultation to take place between the Secretary-General and the organisation before circulation;

(c) The organisation shall give due consideration to any comments that the Secretary-General may make in the course of such consultation before transmitting the statement in final form;

(d) A written statement submitted by an organisation in general consultative status will be circulated in full if it does not exceed 2,000 words. Where a statement is in excess of 2,000 words, the organisation shall submit a summary, which will be circulated, or shall supply sufficient copies of the full text in the working languages for distribution. A statement will also be circulated in full, however, upon the specific request of the commission or other subsidiary organs;

(e) A written statement submitted by an organisation in special consultative status will be circulated in full if it does not exceed 1,500 words. Where a statement is in excess of 1,500 words, the organisation shall submit a summary, which will be circulated, or shall supply sufficient copies of the full text in the working languages for distribution. A statement will also be circulated in full, however, upon the specific request of the commission or other subsidiary organs;

(f) The Secretary-General, in consultation with the chairman of the relevant commission or other subsidiary organ, or the commission or other subsidiary organ itself, may invite organisations on the Roster to submit written statements. The provisions in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) and (e) above shall apply to such statements;

(g) A written statement or summary, as the case may be, will be circulated by the Secretary-General in the working languages and, upon the request of a member of the commission or other subsidiary organ, in any of the official languages.

Oral presentations during meetings

38. (a) The commission or other subsidiary organs may consult with organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status either directly or through a committee or committees established for the purpose. In all cases, such consultations may be arranged upon the request of the organisation;

(b) On the recommendation of the Secretary-General and at the request of the commission or other subsidiary organs, organisations on the Roster may also be heard by the commission or other subsidiary organs.

Special studies

39. Subject to the relevant rules of procedure on financial implications, a commission or other subsidiary organ may recommend that an organisation that has special competence in a particular field should undertake specific studies or investigations or prepare specific papers for the commission. The limitations of paragraphs 37 (d) and (e) above shall not apply in this case.

Part VI

40. The arrangements for consultation between ad hoc committees of the Council authorised to meet between sessions of the Council and organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status and on the Roster shall follow those approved for commissions of the Council, unless the Council or the committee decides otherwise.

Part VII

41. Where non-governmental organisations have been invited to participate in an international conference convened by the United Nations, their accreditation is the prerogative of Member States, exercised through the respective preparatory committee. Such accreditation should be preceded by an appropriate process to determine their eligibility.

42. Non-governmental organisations in general consultative status, special consultative status and on the Roster, that express their wish to attend the relevant international conferences convened by the United Nations and the meetings of the preparatory bodies of the said conferences shall as a rule be accredited for participation. Other non-governmental organisations wishing to be accredited may apply to the secretariat of the conference for this purpose in accordance with the following requirements.

43. The secretariat of the conference shall be responsible for the receipt and preliminary evaluation of requests from non-governmental organisations for accreditation to the conference and its preparatory process. In the discharge of its functions, the secretariat of the conference shall work in close co-operation and co-ordination with the Non-Governmental Organisations Section of the Secretariat, and shall be guided by the relevant provisions of Council resolution 1296 (XLIV) as updated.

44. All such applications must be accompanied by information on the competence of the organisation and the relevance of its activities to the work of the conference and its preparatory committee, with an indication of the particular areas of the conference agenda and preparations to which such competence and relevance pertain, and should include, inter alia, the following information:

(a) The purpose of the organisation;

(b) Information as to the programmes and activities of the organisation in areas relevant to the conference and its preparatory process and the country or countries in which they are carried out. Non-governmental organisations seeking accreditation shall be asked to confirm their interest in the goals and objectives of the conference;

(c) Confirmation of the activities of the organisation at the national, regional or international level;

(d) Copies of the annual or other reports of the organisation with financial statements, and a list of financial sources and contributions, including governmental contributions;

(e) A list of members of the governing body of the organisation and their countries of nationality;

(f) A description of the membership of the organisation, indicating the total number of members, the names of organisations that are members and their geographical distribution;

(g) A copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organisation.

45. In the evaluation of the relevance of applications of non-governmental organisations for accreditation to the conference and its preparatory process, it is agreed that a determination shall be made based on their background and involvement in the subject areas of the conference.

46. The secretariat shall publish and disseminate to Member States on a periodic basis the updated list of applications received. Member States may submit comments on any of the applications on the list 14 days from receipt of the above-mentioned list by Member States. The comments of Member States shall be communicated to the non-governmental organisation concerned, which shall have the opportunity to respond.

47. In cases where the secretariat believes, on the basis of the information provided in accordance with the present resolution, that the organisation has established its competence and the relevance of its activities to the work of the preparatory committee, it shall recommend to the preparatory committee that the organisation be accredited. In cases where the secretariat does not recommend the granting of accreditation, it shall make available to the preparatory committee its reasons for not doing so. The secretariat should ensure that its recommendations are available to members of the preparatory committee at least one week prior to the start of each session. The secretariat must notify such applicants of the reasons for non-recommendation and provide an opportunity to respond to objections and furnish additional information as may be required.

48. The preparatory committee shall decide on all recommendations for accreditation within 24 hours after the recommendations of the secretariat have been taken up by the preparatory committee in plenary meeting. In the event of a decision not being taken within this period, interim accreditation shall be accorded until such time as a decision is taken.

49. A non-governmental organisation that has been granted accreditation to attend a session of the preparatory committee, including related preparatory meetings of regional commissions, may attend all its future sessions, as well as the conference itself.

50. In recognition of the intergovernmental nature of the conference and its preparatory process, active participation of non-governmental organisations therein, while welcome, does not entail a negotiating role.

51. The non-governmental organisations accredited to the international conference may be given, in accordance with established United Nations practice and at the discretion of the chairperson and the consent of the body concerned, an opportunity to briefly address the preparatory committee and the conference in plenary meetings and their subsidiary bodies.

52. Non-governmental organisations accredited to the conference may make written presentations during the preparatory process in the official languages of the United Nations as they deem appropriate. Those written presentations shall not be issued as official documents except in accordance with United Nations rules of procedure.

53. Non-governmental organisations without consultative status that participate in international conferences and wish to obtain consultative status later on should apply through the normal procedures established under Council resolution 1296 (XLIV) as updated. Recognising the importance of the participation of non-governmental organisations that attend a conference in the follow-up process, the Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations, in considering their application, shall draw upon the documents already submitted by that organisation for accreditation to the conference and any additional information submitted by the non-governmental organisation supporting its interest, relevance and capacity to contribute to the implementation phase. The Committee shall review such applications as expeditiously as possible so as to allow participation of the respective organisation in the implementation phase of the conference. In the interim, the Economic and Social Council shall decide on the participation of non-governmental organisations accredited to an international conference in the work of the relevant functional commission on the follow-up to and implementation of that conference.

54. The suspension and withdrawal of the accreditation of non-governmental organisations to United Nations international conferences at all stages shall be guided by the relevant provisions of the present resolution.


55. Organisations granted consultative status by the Council and those on the Roster shall conform at all times to the principles governing the establishment and nature of their consultative relations with the Council. In periodically reviewing the activities of non-governmental organisations on the basis of the reports submitted under paragraph 61 (c) below and other relevant information, the Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations shall determine the extent to which the organisations have complied with the principles governing consultative status and have contributed to the work of the Council, and may recommend to the Council suspension of or exclusion from consultative status of organisations that have not met the requirements for consultative status as set forth in the present resolution.

56. In cases where the Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations has decided to recommend that the general or special consultative status of a non-governmental organisation or its listing on the Roster be suspended or withdrawn, the non-governmental organisation concerned shall be given written reasons for that decision and shall have an opportunity to present its response for appropriate consideration by the Committee as expeditiously as possible.

57. The consultative status of non-governmental organisations with the Economic and Social Council and the listing of those on the Roster shall be suspended up to three years or withdrawn in the following cases:

(a) If an organisation, either directly or through its affiliates or representatives acting on its behalf, clearly abuses its status by engaging in a pattern of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations including unsubstantiated or politically motivated acts against Member States of the United Nations incompatible with those purposes and principles;

(b) If there exists substantiated evidence of influence from proceeds resulting from internationally recognised criminal activities such as the illicit drugs trade, money-laundering or the illegal arms trade;

(c) If, within the preceding three years, an organisation did not make any positive or effective contribution to the work of the United Nations and, in particular, of the Council or its commissions or other subsidiary organs.

58. The consultative status of organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status and the listing of those on the Roster shall be suspended or withdrawn by the decision of the Economic and Social Council on the recommendation of its Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations.

59. An organisation whose consultative status or whose listing on the Roster is withdrawn may be entitled to reapply for consultative status or for inclusion on the Roster not sooner than three years after the effective date of such withdrawal.

Part IX

60. The members of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations shall be elected by the Council on the basis of equitable geographical representation, in accordance with the relevant Council resolutions and decision (Note 1) and rules of procedure of the Council. (Note 2) The Committee shall elect its Chairman and other officers as necessary.

61. The functions of the Committee shall include the following:

(a) The Committee shall be responsible for regular monitoring of the evolving relationship between non-governmental organisations and the United Nations. With a view to fulfilling this responsibility, the Committee shall hold, before each of its sessions, and at other times as necessary, consultations with organisations in consultative status to discuss questions of interest to the Committee or to the organisations relating to the relationship between the non-governmental organisations and the United Nations. A report on such consultations shall be transmitted to the Council for appropriate action;

(b) The Committee shall hold its regular session before the substantive session of the Council each year and preferably before the sessions of functional commissions of the Council to consider applications for general consultative status and special consultative status and for listing on the Roster made by non-governmental organisations and requests for changes in status, and to make recommendations thereon to the Council. Upon approval by the Council, the Committee may hold other meetings as required to fulfil its mandated responsibilities. Organisations shall give due consideration to any comments on technical matters that the Secretary-General of the United Nations may make in receiving such applications for the Committee. The Committee shall consider at each such session applications received by the Secretary-General not later than 1 June of the preceding year, on which sufficient data have been distributed to the members of the Committee not later than six weeks before the applications are to be considered. Transitional arrangements, if possible, may be made during the current year only. Reapplication by an organisation for status, or a request for a change in status, shall be considered by the Committee at the earliest at its first session in the second year following the session at which the substance of the previous application or request was considered, unless at the time of such consideration it was decided otherwise;

(c) Organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status shall submit to the Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations through the Secretary-General every fourth year a brief report of their activities, specifically as regards the support they have given to the work of the United Nations. Based on findings of the Committee's examination of the report and other relevant information, the Committee may recommend to the Council any reclassification in status of the organisation concerned as it deems appropriate. However, under exceptional circumstances, the Committee may ask for such a report from an individual organisation in general consultative status or special consultative status or on the Roster, between the regular reporting dates;

(d) The Committee may consult, in connection with sessions of the Council or at such other times as it may decide, with organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status on matters within their competence, other than items in the agenda of the Council, on which the Council or the Committee or the organisation requests consultation. The Committee shall report to the Council on such consultations;

(e) The Committee may consult, in connection with any particular session of the Council, with organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status on matters within the competence of the organisations concerning specific items already in the provisional agenda of the Council on which the Council or the Committee or the organisation requests consultation, and shall make recommendations as to which organisations, subject to the provisions of paragraph 32 (a) above, should be heard by the Council or the appropriate committee and regarding which subjects should be heard. The Committee shall report to the Council on such consultations;

(f) The Committee shall consider matters concerning non-governmental organisations that may be referred to it by the Council or by commissions;

(g) The Committee shall consult with the Secretary-General, as appropriate, on matters affecting the consultative arrangements under Article 71 of the Charter, and arising therefrom;

(h) An organisation that applies for consultative status should attest that it has been in existence for at least two years as at the date of receipt of the application by the Secretariat. Evidence of such existence shall be furnished to the Secretariat.

62. The Committee, in considering a request from a non-governmental organisation in general consultative status that an item be placed in the agenda of the Council, shall take into account, among other things:

(a) The adequacy of the documentation submitted by the organisation;

(b) The extent to which it is considered that the item lends itself to early and constructive action by the Council;

(c) The possibility that the item might be more appropriately dealt with elsewhere than in the Council.

63. Any decision by the Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations not to grant a request submitted by a non-governmental organisation in general consultative status that an item be placed in the provisional agenda of the Council shall be considered final unless the Council decides otherwise.

Part X

64. The Secretariat should be so organised as to enable it to carry out the duties assigned to it concerning the consultative arrangements and the accreditation of non-governmental organisations to United Nations international conferences as set forth in the present resolution.

65. All organisations in consultative relationship shall be able to consult with officers of the appropriate sections of the Secretariat on matters in which there is a mutual interest or a mutual concern. Such consultation shall be upon the request of the non-governmental organisation or upon the request of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

66. The Secretary-General may request organisations in general consultative status and special consultative status and those on the Roster to carry out specific studies or prepare specific papers, subject to the relevant financial regulations.

67. The Secretary-General shall be authorised, within the means at his disposal, to offer to non-governmental organisations in consultative relationship facilities that include:

(a) Prompt and efficient distribution of such documents of the Council and its subsidiary bodies as shall in the judgement of the Secretary-General be appropriate;

(b) Access to the press documentation services provided by the United Nations;

(c) Arrangement of informal discussions on matters of special interest to groups or organisations;

(d) Use of the libraries of the United Nations;

(e) Provision of accommodation for conferences or smaller meetings of consultative organisations on the work of the Economic and Social Council;

(f) Appropriate seating arrangements and facilities for obtaining documents during public meetings of the General Assembly dealing with matters in the economic, social and related fields.

Part XI

68. Adequate Secretariat support shall be required for fulfilment of the mandate defined for the Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations with respect to carrying out the wider range of activities in which the enhanced involvement of non-governmental organisations is envisaged. The Secretary-General is requested to provide the necessary resources for this purpose and to take steps for improving the co-ordination within the Secretariat of units dealing with non-governmental organisations.

69. The Secretary-General is requested to make every effort to enhance and streamline as appropriate Secretariat support arrangements, and to improve practical arrangements on such matters as greater use of modern information and communication technology, establishment of an integrated database of non-governmental organisations, wide and timely dissemination of information on meetings, distribution of documentation, provision of access and transparent, simple and streamlined procedures for the attendance of non-governmental organisations in United Nations meetings, and to facilitate their broad-based participation.

70. The Secretary-General is requested to make the present resolution widely known, through proper channels, to facilitate the involvement of non-governmental organisations from all regions and areas of the world.


  1. Council resolutions 1099 (XL) and 1981/50 and Council decision 1995/304.
  2. Rule 80 of the rules of procedure of the Council.

© Peter Willetts, 2001.
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Page maintained by Peter Willetts
Emeritus Professor of Global Politics
City University, London

Page created on 25 August 2001.
Last updated on 2 June 2015.