RSS Spreadsheet Forum, 27 March 1996
Association of
Statistics Specialists
Using Microsoft Excel
Good features of Excel
good software to use with non-specialists
has a strong user base in industry
good for preparing ready-made templates for particular analyses
dynamic linking - change the data and the output updates
common environment with non-statistical users
good range of functions
Visual Basic in the background gives flexibility for add-ins
ubiquitous - everybody has it
excellent graphics for both teaching and using
relatively cheap for individuals to purchase
excellent value for institutions in terms of cost per hour of use
flexibility in data handling - few restrictions
allows students to get hands on data
ability to give interactive demonstrations
ability to attach notes to cells is useful (especially in Excel 7)
continuous improvement
durability - it will still be there in several years time
Errors in Excel
moving average "trendline" is out of phase
regression through the origin gives incorrect output
x-axis labels on histogram wrongly positioned
histogram cannot cope with unequal class intervals
CONFIDENCE function uses z not t
help on CONFIDENCE is totally wrong
error bars are wrong in versions prior to 5.0c
the function wizard cannot cope with array functions (e.g. linest)
ranking does not handle ties properly
there are errors in the inverse distribution functions
RANDBETWEEN gives first value only half the frequency
in two-sample t-test unequal variances, df are rounded not truncated
Things that need changing in Excel:
consistency between functions (e.g. with respect to missing values)
subscript/superscript tool on the Format toolbar
a deleted cell should not be remembered in range operations
an option to include/exclude hidden cells in calculations
general facility to use non-contiguous ranges (e.g. multiple regression)
ability to lock a data series on a chart to prevent dragging by mistake
data analysis tools should dynamically link output with data
better quality control - errors should be found before release
Microsoft is too secretive - e.g. how does Solver really work?
View Manager does not work on protected worksheets
New features that would be desirable in Excel:
box and whisker plots
proper histograms
chi-squared test for contingency tables
non-parametric test procedures
a formal missing value indicator
Neville Hunt 02/04/96
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