Welcome to the home page of the Project on the Evolution of International Non-Governmental Organizations (PEI).
This project aims to advance our understanding of the history of international non-governmental organizations by providing information on why international non-governmental organizations were created and how membership/participation in them has evolved since their foundation.
This project is in progress. There are tens of thousands of international non-governmental organizations, and you will find here material on a selection of one hundred of the most significant organizations. The range of organizations and the volume of information on each organization will expand as resources permit. For further information on methodology, please consult the 'Background' section.
In the menu bar you have the following options:
'Home Page' returns you to this page.
'Background' provides further information on the project and methodology. It is strongly recommended that researchers should consult this section of the website before making use of the information contained on each organization.
'Organizations' provides information on the founding rationales and evolution in membership of the international non-governmental organizations in this database listed in alphabetical order.
'Categories' provides information on the founding rationales and evolution in membership of the international non-governmental organizations in this database listed by issue-area category.
'Abbreviations' lists the abbreviations used on this website.
'Search' provides a facility for searching for information on this site.
'Further Reading' provides a brief bibliography of related work.
'Links' provides links to related websites.
'Contact' provides the opportunity to contact the project organizer. Feedback, updates and corrections are very welcome.