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International Actuarial Association (IAA)

Website: http://www.actuaries.org/

Category: Professional

Year of Foundation: 1895 (Comité Permanent des Congrès d’Actuaires)

Location of Foundation: Brussels, Belgium

Location of Headquarters: Ottawa, Canada

Brief Description: The International Actuarial Association describes itself as 'the worldwide association regrouping local professional actuarial associations and their individual actuaries. The IAA exists to encourage the development of a global profession, acknowledged as technically competent and professionally reliable, which will ensure that the public interest is served.' (source: www.actuaries.org; accessed 18 May 2010).

Founding Rationales:

At the First International Congress of Actuaries held in Brussels in 1895, Georges Hamon 'proposed the creation of a permanent international committee, the duties of which would include exchange of publications. ... A member proposed the creation of a permanent bureau of the congress analagous to that of the statistical congress. ... Léon Marie considered that there was interest in creating a permament international committee with the aim of (1.) producing a bibliographical work and (2.) organizing subsequent congresses. The following proposals were unanimously adopted: (1.) As extensive exchange as possible of publications between all actuarial organizations, whether institutes, academies or societies. (2.) Intention to create actuarial organizations in countries where they do not currently exist. (3.) Creation of a permanent international committee.'

Source: 'Premier Congrès International d'Actuaires, Bruxelles, 2-6 Septembre 1895. Documents. Deuxième Edition.' (Brussels: Imprimerie Bruylant-Christophe & Compagnie, 1900), p. 430.

Evolution of Membership (countries with members):

International Actuarial Association Membership Chart

Sources: HIO; YIO; EAIO; www.actuaries.org (accessed 18 May 2010).