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International Peace Bureau (IPB)

Website: http://ipb.org/

Category: Peace

Year of Foundation: 1891

Location of Foundation: Rome, Italy

Location of Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland

Brief Description: The International Peace Bureau describes itself as 'the world’s most comprehensive peace federation' which has 'worked to promote disarmament, reduce military budgets, ban weapons of mass destruction and invest in nonviolent conflict resolution and sustainable development.' (Source: http://ipb.org/; accessed 3 February 2010).

Founding Rationales:

At the Universal Peace Congress in London in 1890 the following resolution was carried unanimously: 'That the Congress resolves that inasmuch as for some time past a desire has been expressed by several Peace Societies for some organised union or federation between them, and such union for the purpose of frequent interchange of information and suggestion, and for common action, when necessary, is desirable, this Congress expresses its opinion in favour of the proposal, and trusts that the societies of Europe and America may enter into correspondence on the subject with the view to the adoption of a practical scheme for that purpose.'

Source: 'Proceedings of the Universal Peace Congress, held in the Westminster Town Hall, London, From 14th to 19th July, 1890' (London: Ofiice of the Universal Peace Congress, 1890), p. 215.

Evolution of Membership (Organizations):

International Peace Bureau Membership Chart

Sources: EAIO; http://ipb.org/ (accessed 3 February 2010)