City University

6th International Workshop on Pseudo Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics (16th-18th of July 2007)


time\day Monday Tuesday Wednesday
 8:30- 9:00

9:00 Welcome by the Dean
and Pro Vice-Chancellor

 9:00- 9:50 Bender
 9:50-10:15 Samsonov
10:15-10:40 Guenther
10:40-11:10 coffee coffee coffee
11:10-12:00 Curtright
12:00-12:25 Milton
12:25-12:50 Shalaby
12:50-14:30 lunch lunch lunch
14:30-15:20 Ogilvie
16:15-16:45 tea tea tea
Scolari  Hajizadeh
Algin  Fatemi
Photo session
18:00- 19:00

reception/posters boat trip (departure fom Bankside Pier)

Registration is on Monday between 8:30 and 14:30 in the foyer of the Oliver Thompson Lecture Theatre (OTLT).
All talks until 15:20 will be in the OTLT.
Parallel sessions 15:20-18:00 will be in the OTLT (blue in the timetable) and in room CM507 (green in the timetable).

Posters:  Arabshahi, Bentaiba, Chaharsough, Debnath, Fasihi Aghbolagh, Mazharimousavi, Prvanovic, Shamshutdinova, Siegl, Sokolov Wu, Yu,

Daily Timetables (in word)

Abstracts for talks and posters:

Aktas, Metin

Supersymmetric Target Potentials of Effective Mass Schrödinger Equations for PT-/Non-PT-Symmetric and Non-Hermitian Morse Potential

We construct the supersymmetric target potentials of position dependent effective mass Schrödinger equation for PT-/Non-PT-Symmetric and non-Hermitian Morse potential by choosing three mass distributions. The energy spectra of the bound states and corresponding wavefunctions for the potential are given in the exact closed forms.

Alavi, Ali (poster)

Statistical mechanics of pseudo Hermitian systems in equilibrium

To study quantum mechanical systems composed of indistinguishable entities, as most physical systems are, one finds that it is advisable to rewrite the ensemble theory in a language that is more natural to a quantum-mechanical treatment, namely the language of the operators and the wave functions. Once we set out to study these systems in detail, we encounter a stream of new and altogether different physical concepts. In particular, we find that the behavior of even a noninteracting system, such as an ideal gas, departs considerably from the pattern set by the so-called classical treatments. In the presence of interactions the pattern becomes still more complicated. Recently a large amount of research work has been devoted to the study of Mathematics and Physics of pseudo Hermitian operators. In this paper we first study the formulation of quantum statistics of pseudo Hermitian system in equilibrium. Then in the framework of pseudo Hermitian systems we study the statistics of various ensembles including the microcanonical and canonical ensembles. We also consider for illustration the statistical mechanics of a toy model. Thermodynamics of such systems can be easily derived using partition functions.

Algin, Abdullah (pdf)

(q1,q2)-deformed SUSY algebra for SUq1/q2(n)-invariant bosons

We study the system of n ordinary fermions and n (q1,q2)-deformed bosons with SUq1/q2(n)-symmetry. We particularly discuss the two-dimensional case in detail. Using the Fock space representation of the system, we construct a (q1,q2)-deformed SUSY algebra. The total deformed Hamiltonian and the energy levels for the system are also obtained. Some physical applications of the two-parameter deformed quantum group invariant bosonic oscillators are mentioned.

Andrianov, Alexander (pdf)

Dual oscillators with PT symmetry in path integral approach

The nonlinear transformation in the QM path integral for partition function will be outlined and used to establish the equivalence between PT symmetric oscillators with anharmonicity and some other systems like Quantum Pendulum.

Arabshahi, Hadi (poster)

Mass dependence of hermitian perturbative framework

An algorithm for constructing a whole class of mass dependence of hermitian perturbative framework has been carried out. The method is applied to the Hermitian analogue of the PT-symmetric cubic anharmonic oscillator.

Bagchi, Bijan Kumar

Bound states in position-dependent mass problems

We consider the specific models of Zhu-Kroemer and BenDaniel-Duke in a sech2-mass background and point out interesting correspondences withe the stationary 1-soliton and 2-soliton solutions of the KdV equation in a supersymmetric framework. We also explore the relevance of our scheme with the recently noticed su(1,1) realization of Swanson's non-Hermitian Hamiltonian.

Behrndt, Jussi (pdf)

Dissipative scattering systems

Quantum systems which interact with their environment are often modeled by maximal dissipative operators or so-called Pseudo-Hamiltonians. In this talk the scattering theory for such open systems is considered. In particular it will be shown how the scattering matrix of a dissipative scattering system can be expressed in terms of an abstract Titchmarsh-Weyl function. The results are applied to a class of Sturm-Liouville operators arising in dissipative and quantum transmitting Schrödinger-Poisson systems.

Bender, Carl

Faster Than Hermitian Quantum Mechanics

Given an initial quantum state |I> and a final quantum state |F> in a Hilbert space, there exist Hamiltonians H under which |I> evolves into |F>. Consider the following quantum brachistochrone problem: Subject to the constraint that the difference between the largest and smallest eigenvalues of H is held fixed, which H achieves this transformation in the least time τ? For Hermitian Hamiltonians τ has a nonzero lower bound. However, with non-Hermitian PT-symmetric Hamiltonians satisfying the same energy constraint, τ can be made arbitrarily small without violating the time-energy uncertainty principle. This is because for such Hamiltonians the path from |I> to |F> can be made short. The mechanism described here is similar to that in general, relativity in which the distance between two space-time points can be made small if they are connected by a wormhole. This result may have applications in quantum computing.

Bentaiba, Mustapha (poster)

The effective potential and Resummation procedure to multidimentional complex cubic potentials for weak and strong-coupling

The method for the recursive calculation of the effective potential is applied successfully in case of weakcoupling limit (g→0) to a multidimensional complex cubic potential. In strong-coupling limit (g→∞), the result is resumed using the variational perturbation theory (VPT). It is found that the convergence of VPT-results approaches those expected.

Bila, Hynek (pdf)

Complexification of energies in simple relativistic systems

The parametric dependence of the eigenvalues is dicussed in comparison to non-relativistic models. The Coulomb and square-well potentials are discussed within the Dirac and Klein-Gordon equation, with special attention paid to the behaviour near the exceptional points.

Caliceti, Emanuela (pdf)

PT-symmetric non-selfadjoint operators, diagonalizable and non- diagonalizable, with real discrete spectrum.

Two natural mathematical questions arising in this context of PT-symmetry are (i) the determination of conditions under which PT-symmetry actually yields real spectrum and (ii) the examination of whether or not this phenomenon can still be understood in terms of selfadjoint spectral theory; for example, it has been remarked that if a PT-symmetric Schrödinger operator with real spectrum is diagonalizable, then it is conjugate to a selfadjoint operator through a similarity map. Hence the question arises whether PT-symmetric Schroedinger-type operators with real spectrum are always diagonalizable. First we give an explicit example of a PT-symmetric Schroedinger-type operator with purely real and discrete spectrum, which cannot be diagonalized because of the occurence of Jordan blocks. Second we identify a new class of non-selfadjoint PT-symmetric operators with purely real spectrum.

Chaharsough Shirazi, Atoosa (poster)

Linear covariant quantum gravity in de Sitter space-time

The recent observational data are strongly in favor of a positive acceleration of the present universe. Therefore, in a first approximation, the back ground space-time might be considered as a de Sitter space-time. In usual quantization of the traceless rank-2 mass less tensor field(linear quantum gravity) in de Sitter space two problems appear. The first is that the theory is not fully covariant, and the second that graviton propagator in the linear approximation has a infrared divergence for largely separated points. The main ingredient for constructing linear covariant quantum gravity is the presence of two different types of negative norm states. This construction,indefinite metric quantization, allows us to avoid the infrared divergence, and enables us to obtain a covariant two-point function.

Curtright, Thomas (pdf)

Quasi-hermitian Liouville Theory

I will briefly discuss properties of quasi-hermitian (PT-symmetric) theories in the context of a simple exactly solvable example, "imaginary" Liouville theory. I will use a deformation quantization approach, i.e. QM in phase space. Then I will discuss the field theory extension of this model, of interest in string theory.

Debnath, Swapna (poster)

On Isospectral Partners for PT-symmetric Potentials

We discuss Darboux method to obtain isospectral partners of complex PT-symmetric potentials. We have observed that the supersymmetric partner potential has the same spectrum, including the zero energy eigenstate.

Dorey, Patrick

PT symmetry and symmetry breaking for some simple inhomogeneous potentials

We explore the pattern of PT symmetry breaking for a class of models related via the ODE/IM correspondence to the Perk-Schultz models of statistical mechanics. The structure is surprisingly rich, with exceptional points corresponding to the joining of two and of three levels being seen.

Fasihi Aghbolagh, Mohammad Ali (poster)

Two dimensional pseudo hermitian quasi exactly solvable models

In this paper two dimensional pseudo Hermitian quasi exactly solvable models have been studied. Using SU(3) group coherent states and their corresponding D-algebras, we obtained one dimensional quasi exactly solvable Schrödinger operator. Also the gauge transformation and change of variables were used to reduce the Schrödinger operator to Hamiltonian form. Moreover considering the matrix form of the Hamiltonian and imposing pseudo Hermitian conditions, and regarding the normalizability condition on the wave functions, we classified the two dimensional pseudo Hermitian quasi exactly solvable models .

Fatemi, Sara (pdf)

Conformally invariant ''photon'' field in de Sitter universe

Recent astrophysical data indicated that our universe might currently be in a de Sitter phase. In a first approximation, the background space-time that we live, might be considered as a de Sitter space-time. If this is so, it is important to formulate quantum field theory in de Sitter space-time. In this paper conformally invariant wave equation in de Sitter space-time for vector “photon” field is considered, solution and related two-point function in ambient space notation, have been calculated. The Hilbert space structure and field operator in terms of coordinate independent de Sitter plane waves have been defined.

Feinberg, Joshua

PT- Symmetric Quantum Mechanical Matrix Models

We define and study PT-symmetric quantum mechanical matrix models, in the large-N limit. We focus on the U(N)-singlet and adjoint sectors. In particular, the case of inverted quartic matrix motential is studied, with special emphasis on the parity anomaly and its manifestation in the dynamics of matrix eigenvalues.

Fring, Andreas (pdf)

A master non-Hermitian cubic PT-symmetric Hamiltonian

We investigate properties of the most general PT-symmetric non-Hermitian Hamiltonian of cubic order in the annihilation and creation operators as a ten parameter family. For various choices of the parameters we systematically construct a metric operator and an isospectral Hermitian counterpart in the same similarity class by exploiting the isomorphism between operator and Moyal products. We elaborate on the subtleties of this approach. For special choices of the ten parameters the Hamiltonian reduces to various models previously studied, such as to the complex cubic potential, the so-called Swanson Hamiltonian or the transformed version of the from below unbounded -x4-potential. In addition, it also reduces to various models not considered in the present context, namely the single site lattice Reggeon model and a transformed version of the from below unbounded -x6-potential. As the latter models are closely related to the complex cubic potential they require a perturbative treatment.
This is joint work with Paulo Assis.

Ganguly, Asish (pdf)

PT-symmetric potential with position-dependent mass

Using standard supersymmetric method one can obtain two partner Hamiltonians with same position-dependent mass exhibiting identical spectra. We have extended this procedure by allowing the superpotential to be a complex function. A specific relation between the superpotential and mass is derived by forcing one partner potential to be strictly real. Provided the underlying relation holds, a class of complex potentials can be generated with real spectra. An example has been constructed, where the target potential is PT-symmetric for the chosen mass function.

Geyer, Hendrik (pdf)

The metric in quasi-Hermitian quantum mechanics: overview and recent results

We trace the introduction and role of the metric in the formalism of quasi-Hermitian quantum mechanics, including its role in the identification of observables compatible with a given non-Hermitian/quasi-Hermitian Hamiltonian.
The construction of the metric, systematically obtained from a Moyal product analysis, and various other aspects of the formalism, are illustrated, primarily in the context of the non-Hermitian oscillator. Amongst other results, this illustrates how the metric dependence manifests itself on the level of an equivalent Hermitian Hamiltonian and sheds some light on the metric dependence (or not) of its classical limit.

Graefe, Eva-Maria (pdf)

A non-Hermitian two-mode Bose-Hubbard system

We study an N-particle, two-mode Bose-Hubbard system, modelling a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential. Furthermore we introduce an effective non-Hermiticity to the model to describe a coupling to a continuum from one of the two wells. The resulting eigenvalues are in general complex where the imaginary part (resonance width) describes the rate with wich an eigenstate decays to the continuum. In dependence on the systems parameters the resonance widths undergo a sequence of bifurcations, which are studied in more detail. In the hermitian case important features of the manyparticle system can be understood introducing a meanfield-approximation which is often called 'classical'. Accordingly we investigate an analogue approximation for the non-Hermitian system.

Guenther, Uwe (pdf)

Projective Hilbert space structures near exceptional points and the quantum brachistochrone

The talk consists of two parts. In the first part, a brief overview of projective Hilbert space structures related to exceptional points (EPs) is presented. The apparent contradiction between operator (matrix) perturbation schemes related to root-vector expansions and expansions in terms of eigenvectors for diagonal spectral decompositions is projectively resolved. In the second part of the talk, the gained insight is used for a geometric analysis of the brachistochrone problem for non-Hermitian as well as for PT-symmetric/pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanical systems. The passage time contraction for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians compared to Hermitian ones is attributed to a distance contraction in projective Hilbert space due to non-unitary evolution. In the limiting case when a parameter dependent Hamiltonian approaches an EP in its spectral decomposition the distance between the coalescing eigenvectors vanishes and with it the passage time of the brachistochrone.

Hajizadeh, Kobra (pdf)

Indefinite metric quantization

In this paper some properties of the indefinite metric Fock quantization are studied. It is shown that the presence of negative norm states or negative frequency solutions is indispensable for a fully covariant quantization of the minimally coupled scalar field in de Sitter space. Finally the λφ4 theory in Minkowski space is considered by the use of this theory.

Han, Shiang Yi (pdf)

An intrinsical complex Hamiltonian in the Schrödinger equation

Many varieties of complex Hamiltonians have been considered in the literature, and conditions ensuring the reality of their eigenvalues have been investigated. The aim of this paper is to show that the existence of such complex Hamiltonians is due to a universal property that every quantum system is accompanied by an intrinsic complex Hamiltonian in such a way that the equation describing this quantum system is just an expression for the total energy conservation of the accompanying intrinsic complex Hamiltonian. It is revealed that quantum systems subjected to different complex potentials, having totally different real or imaginary eigenvalues, may possess similar intrinsic complex Hamiltonians. A typical Hermitian system represented by H = p2 + x2, a PT-symmetric system H = p2 + x2 + i x , and a non-PT-symmetric system H = p2 + x2 + i x -x are shown to possess identical intrinsic complex Hamiltonian, identical eigen-functions, and identical quantum trajectory under linear coordinate translation in complex plane.

Heiss, Dieter

Exceptional points for three coalescing levels

The coalescence of three levels has particular attractive features. Even though it may be difficult to realise such event in the laboratory (three additional real parameters must be adjusted), to take up the challenge seems worthwhile. In the same way as the chiral behaviour of a usual EP can give a direction on a line, the state vectors in the vicinity of an EP3 provide an orientation in the plane. The distinction between left and right handedness depends on the distribution of the widths of the three levels in the vicinity of the point of coalescence.

Hook, Daniel (pdf)

Complex Trajectories of a Simple Pendulum

The trajectory described by the simple classical pendulum is a well known secondary school calculation. However, we may ask the question "What happens if we start the motion of the pendulum bob outside one of the turning points of the motion?" In this case the trajectory followed by the bob lies beyond the real line in the complex plane. We note that the Hamiltonian governing this system is PT symmetric in nature and study the trajectories of the bob under a number of different conditions.

Jones, Hugh (pdf)

Coupling the Hermitian and pseudo-Hermitian worlds

We show with a number of examples that it is possible to couple Hermitian and pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians together, maintaining a real spectrum, provided that the coupling is not too strong. When the coupling exceeds a critical value the energy levels of the coupled system become complex.

Kerimov, Gul-Mirza (pdf)

Lie algebraic approach to non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with real spectra

An algebraic technique, useful in studying of a non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with real spectra, is presented. The method is illustrated by explicit application to a family of one-dimensional potentials.

Klaus, Martin (pdf)

Spectral properties of non-Hermitian systems arising in fiber optics

We are concerned with the spectral properties of the Zakharov-Shabat system. This is a system of two coupled first-order linear differential equations that plays an important role in the study of pulse propagation in optical fibers. Associated with this system is a non-Hermitian eigenvalue problem which for physically realistic pulse shapes exhibits nonreal eigenvalues. We discuss recent work towards a rigorous understanding of why complex eigenvalues arise, where they are located, and how they move as certain parameters vary. Included are results on eigenvalue crossings, in particular their location and dependence on the shape of the potential.

Krejcirik, David (pdf)

Bound states in a PT-symmetric waveguide

We introduce a planar waveguide of constant width with non-Hermitian PT-symmetric heterogeneous boundary conditions and study the spectrum of this system. Under the condition that the heterogeneity is local in a sense, we prove that the essential spectrum is real and stable, find sufficient conditions which guarantee the existence of weakly coupled eigenvalues and construct the leading terms of their asymptotic expansions. This is a joint work with Denis Borisov.

Lavagno, Andrea

q-deformed quantum mechanics and q-Hermitian operators

Starting on a q-deformed canonical quantization rule, postulated on the basis of the non-commutative q-differential calculus, we study a generalized q-deformed Schrödinger equation. Such an equation of motion can be viewed as the quantum stochastic counterpart of a generalized classical kinetic equation, reproducing a q-deformed exponential stationary distribution. In this framework, q-deformed adjoint of an operator and q-hermitian operator properties occur in a natural way in order to satisfy basic quantum mechanics assumptions.

Lévai, Géza (pdf)

PT symmetry in multi-dimensional solvable quantum potentials

Since its introduction, PT symmetric quantum mechanics has led to a number of interesting findings, however, the vast majority of these concerned one-dimensional systems. Recently we proposed the systematic generalization of these investigations to higher-dimensional potentials by the separation of the radial and angular variables [1]. It was found that the angular variables play an essential role in introducing non-Hermiticity in the imaginary potential terms. Here we discuss conditions under which solvable potentials can be constructed in 2 or 3 spatial dimensions with unbroken or spontaneously broken PT symmetry. This requires the solution of ordinary second-order differential equations obtained after the separation of the variables. We present examples to illustrate various aspects of this problem.
[1] G. Lévai, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007) F273

Liu, Quan Hui

Constraint induced mean curvature dependence of Cartesian momentum operators

For a particle moves on the curved smooth surface, the constraint induced terms into the Cartesian momentum operators are the mean curvature of the surface multiplied by the components of the unit normal vector of the surface. When the constraint is free, the Cartesian momentum operators reproduces their usual forms.

Mazharimousavi, S. Habib (poster)

η -weak-Pseudo-Hermiticity generators and exact solvability

Milton, Kimball (pdf)

PT-Symmetric Quantum Field Theory: PTQED

A PT-Symmetric version of Quantum Electrodynamics, which was anomaly free, was proposed at the 1st International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics [Czech. J. Phys. 54, 85 (2004)]. The C operator, used to define the unitary norm in the theory, was constructed perturbatively the following year [Phys. Lett. B 613, 97 (2005)]. Last year it was demonstrated that the perturbation theory for PTQED is in fact that obtained by the naive substitution e->ie [J. Phys. A 39, 1657 (2006)]. However, nonperturbative effects, not captured by this substitution, must be responsible for achieving unitarity of the S-matrix for PTQED. Recent progress in understanding the content of PTQED will be discussed in two and four spacetime dimensions.

Mustafa, Omar (pdf)

Non-Hermitian von Roos Hamiltonian's η -weak-pseudo-Hermiticity and exact-solvability

A complexified von Roos Hamiltonian is considered and a Hermitian first-order intertwining differential operator is used to obtain the related position dependent mass η-weak-pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians. Two "user -friendly" reference-target maps are introduced to serve for exact-solvability of some non-Hermitian η-weak-pseudo-Hermitian position dependent mass Hamiltonians. A non-Hermitian PT-symmetric Scarf II and a non-Hermitian periodic-type PT-symmetric Samsonov-Roy potentials are used as reference models in a "user-friendly" reference-target map and the corresponding isospectral Hamiltonians are obtained. It is observed that for each exactly-solvable reference Hamiltonian there is a corresponding set of exactly-solvable target Hamiltonians.

Mostafazadeh, Ali (pdf)

Pseudo-Hermiticity and PT-symmetry: Mysteries, Facts, and Fiction

In this talk I will give a brief review of pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanics, its connection with PT-symmetry, and its correspondence with classical mechanics. I will then discuss the subtleties involved in dealing with time-dependent pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians, give a thorough analysis of the geometry of the state space in pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanics, elaborate on the prospects of the “Faster than Hermitian Quantum Mechanics” and outline a novel application of pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanics in classical electrodynamics.

Nakamura, Yuichi (pdf)

Non-Hermitian quantum mechanics of strongly correlated systems

In my talk, we argue that the imaginary part of zeros of the dispersion relation of the elementary excitation of a quantum systems is equal to the inverse correlation length. We confirm the relation for the Hubbard model[1] in the half-filled case and the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic XXZ chain[2]. In order to search zeros of the dispersion relation in the complex momentum space efficiently, we introduce a non-Hermitian generalization of quantum systems by adding an imaginary vector potential ig to the momentum operator[3]. We calculate a non-Hermitian critical point gc at which the energy gap between the ground state and the excited state vanishes and above which the ground-state energy becomes complex. We show numerical data of gc for the Heisenberg chain with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions. We also show that we can obtain the inverse correlation length of this model by extrapolating the finite-size estimates of gc to infinite systems.
[1] Y. Nakamura and N. Hatano, in preparation.
[2] K. Okunishi, Y. Akutsu, N. Akutsu and T. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001) 104432.
[3] Y. Nakamura and N. Hatano, Physica B 378-380 (2006) 292; J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75 (2006) 114001.

Ogilvie, Michael (pdf)

PT symmetry and large-N models

Recently developed methods for PT-symmetric models can be applied to quantum-mechanical matrix and vector models. In matrix models, the calculation of all singlet wave functions can be reduced to the solution a one-dimensional PT-symmetric model. The large-N limit of a wide class of matrix models exists, and properties of the lowest-lying singlet state can be computed using WKB. For models with cubic and quartic interactions, the ground state energy appears to show rapid convergence to the large-N limit. For the special case of a quartic model, we find explicitly an isospectral Hermitian matrix model. The Hermitian form for a vector model with O(N) symmetry can also be found, and shows many unusual features. The effective potential obtained in the large-N limit of the Hermitian form is shown to be identical to the form obtained from the original PT-symmetric model using familiar constraint field methods. The analogous constraint field prescription in four dimensions suggests that PT-symmetric scalar field theories are asymptotically free.

Payandeh, Farrin (pdf)

Quantum field theory in Krein space

Field quantization in flat space-time is according to choosing the positive norm states which results a covariant quantization under Poincare group,but some infinities appears in theory. But field quantization in Krein space results a automatically renormalized theory.

Prvanovic, Slobodan (poster)

The operator version of Poisson bracket as the new Lie bracket of quantum mechanics and the obstruction free quantization

The operator version of Poisson bracket for quantum mechanical observables is defined. It is shown that it has all properties of the Lie bracket and that quantum mechanical observables form the Lie algebra with this bracket as a product. Moreover, it is shown that operator version of Poisson bracket can substitute commutator in the von Neumann equation. Next, the algebraic product of quantum mechanics is defined as the ordinary multiplication followed by the application of superoperator that orders involved operators, with the ordering rule which coincides with Weyl ordering rule. This superoperator is defined in a way that allows obstruction free quantization when the observables are considered from the point of view of the algebra.

Quesne, Christiane

Swanson's non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and su(1,1): a way towards generalizations

A recently constructed family of metric operators for Swanson's PT-symmetric Hamiltonian is re-examined in the light of su(1,1). An alternative derivation, relying only on properties of su(1,1) generators, is proposed. Being independent of the realization considered for the latter, it opens the way towards the construction of generalized Swanson's non-Hermitian (not necessarily PT-symmetric) Hamiltonians related by similarity to Hermitian ones. Some examples of them are reviewed.

Rajendrasinh, Parmar

Supersymmetry in higher dimension

Ren, ShaoXu (pdf)

Intrinsic and Inherent Orbital Angular Momentum

We find a new type of orbital angular momentum represented by non-Hermitian operators. It is the generator of SO(3) in non-Hermitian space. We find the eigenvalue of the orbital angular momentum of quantum particle could be attached nonintegral and non-half-integral quantum number in this non-Hermitian space. Further, particle orbital angular momentum possesses minimum intrinsic and inherent non-zero value. We Suggest to conduct experiments to verify the hypothesis of possible existent minimum.

Robert, Didier

Supersymmetry vs ghosts

We consider the simplest nontrivial supersymmetric quantum mechamical system involving higher derivatives. We unravel the existence of additional bosonic and fermionic integrals of motion forming a nontrivial algebra. This allows one to obtain the exact solution both in the classical and quantum cases. The supercharges Q and Qbar are not anymore Hermitially conjugate to each other, which allows for the presence of negative energies in the spectrum. We show that the spectrum of the Hamiltonian is unbounded from below. It is discrete and infinitely degenerate in the free oscillator-like case and becomes continuous running from -∞ to ∞ when interactions are added. Notwithstanding the absence of the ground state, the Hamiltonian is Hermitian and the evolution operator is unitary. The algebra involves two complex supercharges, but each level is 3-fold rather than 4-fold degenerate. This unusual feature is due to the fact that certain combinations of supercharges acting on the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian bring them out of Hilbert space. This is a joint work with A. Smilga (subatech, Nantes).

Rotter, Ingrid (pdf)

Dynamics of open quantum systems described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian

The eigenvalues of an non-hermitian Hamilton operator may cross in the complex energy plane. The crossing points are branch points with a non-trivial topological structure. They are related to spectral reordering processes caused by the bifurcation of the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues (decay widths) at strong coupling between system and environment. In approaching the crossing points, the phases of the eigenfunctions of the non-hermitian Hamilton operator are not rigid. The phases of some eigenfunctions align with the phases of the wave functions of the environment. These phase variations cause dynamical effects in open quantum systems which are observable. As an example, the transmission through quantum dots is considered in the regime of overlapping resonances. The transmission is strongly enhanced in a certain (critical) range of the coupling strength between system and environment.

Roy, Barnana (pdf)

Nonlocal Variant of PT Symmetric Potential

Factorisation approach for complex Hamiltonians is used to obtain exactly solvable nonlocal variant of non-Hermitian PT-invariant local potentials. Exact eigenvaluesand eigenfunctions of nonlocal PT-invariant hyperbolic Rosen-Morse potential are obtained.

Samsonov, Boris (pdf)

Non-Hermitian dynamics and a Hilbert space ``relativity principle"

Quantum mechanics (QM) is reexamined from the view-point of operator equivalence classes. Two assumptions are used as starting points:
  1. Any operator with a diagonal spectral decomposition, purely real spectrum and which is densely defined in a suitable Hilbert space may describe a physical observable.
  2. Two sets of observables with operators which are related by a similarity transformation (i.e. which are elements from operator equivalence classes and lie on corresponding conjugacy orbits) are physically indistinguishable. In other words, the physical properties related to the observables X and AXA-1 are exactly the same when A is a non-singular bounded operator (Hilbert space ``relativity principle").
This implies that a given set of observables which is equivalent to a set with all operators Hermitian in a corresponding Hilbert space will not lead to the appearance of new properties compared to conventional QM. In contrast, if a set of observables consists of Hermitian and non-Hermitian operators in a certain Hilbert space then new effects can be expected which will go beyond those of conventional QM.
In this respect we analyze the evolution of a Hermitian observable governed by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian.
The general approach is illustrated by a toy model 2 X 2-matrix Hamiltonian as it was recently used by Bender et al (Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 040403) for considerations of a PT-symmetric quantum brachistochrone problem. We calculate the corresponding spin flip probabilities and show that the spin flips in non-Hermitian models may have flip (passage) times which are shorter or longer compared to those of Hermitian systems. The effect depends on the concrete exceptional point which is approached in the parameter space of the model.

Scolari, Giuseppe (pdf)

The complex projection of quasianti-Hermitian quaternionic dynamics

We show that the complex projection of quantum dynamics ruled by quasianti-Hermitian quaternionic (time-independent) Hamiltonians are one-parameter semigroup dynamics in the space of complex quasi-Hermitian density matrices. Some examples are also considered.

Shalaby, Abouzeid

Hermiticity Breaking and Restoration in the (gφ4+hφ6)1+1 Field Theoretic Model

We introduce hermiticity as a new symmetry and show that when starting with a model which is Hermitian in the classical level, quantum corrections can break hermiticity while the theory stay physically acceptable. To show this, we calculated the effective potential of the (gφ4+hφ6)1+1 model up to first order in g and h couplings which is sufficient as the region of interest has finite correlation length for which mean field calculation may suffice. We show that, in the literature, there is a skipped phase of the theory due to the wrong believe that the theory in the broken hermiticity phase is unphysical. However, in view of recent discoveries of the reality of the spectrum of the non-Hermitian but PT-symmetric theories, in the broken hermiticity phase the theory possesses PT-symmetry and thus physically acceptable. In fact, ignoring this phase will lead to violation of universality when comparing this model predictions with other models in the same class of universality.

Shanley, Paul (pdf)

Spectral Properties of an Eigenvalue Problem due to Richardson

An eigenvalue problem involving a second order differential equation was introduced by Richardson in the early years of the twentieth century. It takes the form of an indefinite Sturm-Liouville problem and in the years since its inception, the complicated dependence of its eigenvalues on a parameter has defied explanation. We introduce a transformation that maps the Richardson eigenvalues onto those of a Schrödinger operator. The parametric dependence of the Richardson spectrum is then understood by tracing its image in the more familiar Schrödinger framework. Our study indicates that in some quantum problems that exhibit PT-symmetry, there are curves off the real and imaginary axes of the coupling parameter on which the eigenvalues are real.

Shamshutdinova, Varvara (poster)

Dynamical qubit controlling based on pseudosupersymmetry in two-level systems

Basing on a recently discovered non-linear pseudosupersymmetry in two-level systems [1] we propose a new method for controlling a qubit state. Namely, for a flux qubit we propose a special time dependent external control field. We show that for a qubit placed in this field there exists a critical value of tunnel frequency. When the tunnel frequency is close enough to its critical value, the external field frequency may be tuned in a way to keep the probability value of a definite direction of the current circulating in a Josephson-junction circuit above 1/2 during a desirable time interval. We also show that such a behavior is not much affected by a sufficiently small dissipation.
[1] Samsonov B.F., Shamshutdinova V.V., J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38 (2005) 4715-4725;
Shamshutdinova V.V., Samsonov B.F., Gitman D.M., Ann. Phys. 322 (2007) 1043-1061

Siegl, Petr (poster)

Quasi-Hermitian Model with Point Interactions and Supersymmetry

Models with two PT-symmetric point interactions compatible with supersymmetry are studied. Two classes of boundary conditions providing non-equivalent models are found. Positive, bounded metric operator is constructed for both models.

Sinha, Anjana (pdf)

A class of Non Hermitian Models with real energies

We analyze a class of non Hermitian quadratic Hamiltonians, which are of the form H = ω A A + α A2 + β A† 2 , where ω , α , β are real constants, with α ≠ β , and A and A are generalized creation and annihilation operators. It is shown that the eigenenergies are real for a certain range of values of the parameters. A similarity transformation ρ, mapping the non Hermitian Hamiltonian H to a Hermitian one h, is also obtained. It is shown that H and h share identical energies. As explicit examples, the solutions of a couple of models based on the trigonometric Rosen-Morse I and the hyperbolic Rosen-Morse II type potentials are obtained. We also study the case when the non Hermitian Hamiltonian is PT symmetric.

Smilga, Andrei (pdf)

Cryptoreality of nonanticommutative Hamiltonians

We note that, though nonanticommutative (NAC) deformations of Minkowski supersymmetric theories do not respect the reality condition and seem to lead to non-Hermitian Hamiltonians H, the latter belong to the class of ``cryptoreal'' Hamiltonians considered recently by Bender and collaborators. They can be made manifestly Hermitian via the similarity transformation H -> eR H e-R with a properly chosen R. The deformed model enjoys the same supersymmetry algebra as the undeformed one, though being realized differently on the involved canonical variables. Besides quantummechanical models, we treat, along similar lines, some NAC deformed field models in 4D Minkowski space.

Sokolov, Andrey (poster)

Index Theorem and spectral design of non-Hermitian non-diagonalizable Hamiltonians

The Index Theorem on relation between Jordan structures of intertwined Hamiltonians and the behavior of elements of canonical basis of supercharge kernel at infinity is presented. This theorem can be used for spectral design of non-diagonalizable Hamiltonians. The illustrative example of non-Hermitian reflectionless Hamiltonian with one Jordan cell is made.

Tater, Milos (pdf)

Quasi-exact oscillators and their tobogganic bound states

In a finite segment of the bound-state energy spectrum, certain (i.e., typically, the charged harmonic or the parity-invariant sextic) elementary potentials V(x) are known to generate the exact wave functions ψn(x) in closed form. We pay attention to the remaining energy levels and study their dependence on the tobogganic winding number of their asymptotic, PT symmetric boundary conditions. Joint work with M. Znojil.

Tateo, Roberto (pdf)

Pseudo-differential equations, generalised eigenvalue problems and the Bethe Ansatz

We outline a relationship between the Bethe Ansatz and generalised eigenvalue problems of pseudo-differential equations, and discuss its relevance to problems in PT-symmetric quantum mechanics, in quantum field theory and in the geometric Langlands correspondence.

Trunk, Carsten (pdf)

Perturbation theory for self-adjoint operators in Krein spaces

We present some recent results in the perturbation theory for self-adjoint operators in Krein spaces. In the case of an unperturbed self-adjoint operator in a Krein spaces with real spectrum only we formulate conditions which ensure real spectrum of the perturbed operator.
As applications we consider PT-symmetric Hamiltonians and Sturm-Liouville operators with an indefinite weight.

Weston, Robert (pdf)

PT Symmetry on the Lattice: The Quantum Group Invariant XXZ Spin-Chain

We will discuss exact results connecting the research areas of integrable lattice systems and non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. In particular, we investigate the PT-symmetry of the quantum group invariant XXZ chain. We show that the PT-operator commutes with the quantum group action and also discuss the transformation properties of the Bethe wavefunction. We exploit the fact that the Hamiltonian is an element of the Temperley-Lieb algebra in order to give an explicit and exact construction of an operator that ensures quasi-Hermiticity of the model. This construction relys on earlier ideas related to quantum group reduction. We then employ this result in connection with the quantum analogue of Schur-Weyl duality to introduce a dual pair of C-operators, both of which have closed algebraic expressions.

Wu, Junde (poster)

Remark for Quantum Observables

The set of bounded observables for a quantum system is represented by the set of bounded self-adjoint operators $S(H)$ on a complex Hilbert space $H$. The usual order $A\leq B$ on $S(H)$ is determined by assuming that the expectation of $A$ is not greater than the expectation of $B$ for every state of the system. We may think of $\leq $ as a numerical order on $S(H)$. Recent, Gudder introduce a new order $\preccurlyeq$ on $S(H)$ that may be interpreted as a logical order. This new order is determined by assuming that $A\preccurlyeq B$ if the proposition that A has a value in $\Delta$ implies the proposition that B has a value in $\Delta$ for every Borel set $\Delta$ not containing 0. Moreover, this order can be generated by an orthosum $\oplus$ that endows $S(H)$ with the structure of a generalized orthoalgebra. In this paper, we discuss some element properties for this new order of Quantum Observables.

Yu, Zhijian (poster)

Operation Continuity of Efffect Algebras

In 1936, Birkhoff and Von Neumann introduced the famous closed subspaces lattice of a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space as a quantum logic structure to describe the quantum mechanical system entity. In 1994, Foulis and Bennet introduced the following algebraic system $(E, \bot, \oplus, 0, 1)$ to model unsharp quantum logics and called it the effect algebra: Let $E$ be a set with two special elements 0, 1, $\bot$ be a subset of $E\times E$, if $(a, b)\in \bot$, denote $a\bot b$, let $\oplus: \bot\rightarrow E$ be a partially binary operation, and the following axioms hold: (E1). (Commutative Law) If $a, b\in E$ and $a\bot b$, then $b\bot a$ and $a\oplus b=b\oplus a$. (E2). (Associative Law) If $a, b, c\in E, a\bot b$ and $(a\oplus b)\bot c$, then $b\bot c, a\bot (b\oplus c)$ and $(a\oplus b)\oplus c=a\oplus (b\oplus c)$. (E3). (Orthocomplementation Law) For each $a\in E$ there exists a unique $b\in E$ such that $a\bot b$ and $a\oplus b=1$. (E4). (Zero-Unit Law) If $a\in E$ and $1\bot a$, then $a=0$. In this paper, we prove that the operations $\oplus$ and $\ominus$ of effect algebra are continuous with respect to its ideal topology, and if the effect algebras are the lattice effect algebras, then under some conditions, the lattice operations $\vee$ and $\wedge$ of lattice effect algebra are also continuous with respect to the ideal topology. These results showed that the ideal topology of effect algebra is a very important topology.

Yuce, Cem (pdf)

Complex Spectrum of a Spontaneously Unbroken PT Symmetric Hamiltonian

It is believed that unbroken PT symmetry is sufficient to guarantee that the spectrum of a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian is real. It is proven that this is not true. It is shown that the spectrum is not real for a non-Hermitian and spontaneously unbroken Hamiltonian.

Znojil, Miloslav (pdf)

Physics near exceptional points

After a brief review of the phenomenology of models with H ≠ H (non-relativistic as well as relativistic, used in quantum mechanics as well as in field theory and in non-quantum areas like MHD), specific attention will be paid to the problem of de-freezing of relevant degrees of freedom. Among various simple models of the related phenomenon of transition between real and complex energies (at ``exceptional points"), finite-dimensionalsolvable models will be analyzed in more technical detail.