Research Areas
Macro/monetary: dynamic
macroeconomics, microfoundations of money, credit markets and payment systems.
economic growth, education policy, child labour.
Selected Publications
- Inter-bank lending and systemic risk, (with G. Iori and F.
Padilla), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation, forthcoming.
- Food for education and education
quality: A comparison of policy options to reduce child labour, (with S.
Lahiri), Canadian Journal of Economics, May 2005
- Education, child labour and development (with S. Lahiri), in G.
Johnes and J. Johnes (eds.) International Handbook on the Economics
of Education, Edward Elgar, 2005.
- 'Export experience' under borrowing constraints, (with S. Lahiri), Review
of International Economics, v.12, 2004, 844-854.
- Output, prices and the velocity of money
in search equilibrium, (with A. Masters), Journal of Money, Credit and
Banking, v.35, 2003, 871-888.
- Can trade sanctions reduce child labour?
The role of credit markets, (with S. Lahiri), Journal of Development
Economics, v.68, 2002, 137-156.
- Criticality in a model of banking crises,
(with G. Iori), Physica A, v.299, 2001, 205-212.
- Limited commitment, money and credit,
(with P. Rupert), Journal of Economic Theory, v.99, 2001, 22-58.
- Child labour: Theory, policy and evidence,
(with S. Lahiri), World Economics, v.2, 2001, 69-93.
- Les droits de l'enfant en Asie du Sud:
Pourquoi est-ce un probleme? (with S. Lahiri), Bulletin de Droit Compare
du Travail et de la Securite Sociale, 2000, 177-190.
- Guestworker migration, remittances and the
extended family: Evidence from Pakistan, (with N. Ilahi), Journal of
Development Economics, v.58, 1999, 485-512.
Working Papers
(in PDF format)
- World Bank Economic Review
- Journal of Money Credit and Banking
- Oxford Economic Papers
- Economic Journal
- Review of Economic Development
- Bulletin of Economic Research
- Labor
- Canadian Journal of Economics