Default file extension: .grd
Example | Description |
ncols 321 nrows 468 xllcorner 387570.0 yllcorner 5289240.0 cellsize 30 nodata_value -32766 -32766 393 393 393 393 ..etc -32766 395 396 396 394 ..etc : etc. |
ASCII file for storing raster data. Header information consists of at
least the number of rows/columns, the geographical origin and the
grid cell resolution. Any other header items are permitted but ignored.
Raster data are stored in nrows rows from north to south, each row consisting of ncols values from west to east. Raster values can be floating point or integer numbers and are separated by any number of whitespace characters. |
Default file extension: .bil
Example | Description |
.hdr file: BYTEORDER M NROWS 468 NCOLS 321 NBITS 16 NBANDS 1 .blw file: 30.0 0.0000000 0.0000000 -30.0 387570.0 5289240.0 .bil file - binary equivalent of: 386 393 393 393 393 ..etc 387 395 396 396 394 ..etc : etc. |
Binary integer file with two separate header files containing image metadata and georeferencing. fileName.bil
contains the 16 bit or 32 bit integers in row order from north to south.
fileName.hdr contains image metadata including the number of rows, columns and bits per cell.
LandSerf assumes Motorola ('bigendian') ordering of bytes with only 1 interleaved layer.
fileName.blw contains the georeferencing information including grid resolution, and coordinates of the
lower-left corner of the image.
Default file extension: .gen (geometry) and .atr (attributes)
Example | Description |
1 320550.0 425320.0 320633.0 425320.0 320720.0 425300.0 320701.0 425295.0 END 2 360297.0 425310.0 361050.0 425305.0 361078.0 425300.0 END : etc. END |
ASCII file for storing vector data. Each vector object whether point, line or area consists of an ID followed
by space or tab separated x and y coordinates, one pair per line. The end of each object's geometry is marked
by the 'END' keyword. A final 'END' terminates the file. Attributes are stored in s separate file, each line
comprising the object ID, a comma, and the object's numeric attribute.
IDs should be integers, geometry and attributes may be floating point numbers. |
Default file extension: .bt
Byte Offset | Length | Contents | Description |
0 | 10 | "binterr1.2" | A marker which indicates that this is a BT 1.2 file |
10 | 4 (int) | Columns | Width (east-west) dimension of the height grid. |
14 | 4 (int) | Rows | Height (north-south) dimension of the height grid. |
18 | 2 (short) | Data size | Bytes per elevation grid point, either 2 or 4. |
20 | 2 (short) | Floating-point flag | If 1, the data consists of floating point values (float),otherwise they are integers. |
22 | 2 (short) | Projection | 0: Geographic 1: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) |
24 | 2 (short) | UTM zone | Indicates the UTM zone (1-60) if the file is in UTM. The usual convention is negative zone numbers for the southern hemisphere. |
26 | 2 (short) | Datum | Indicates the Datum, see Datum Values below. |
28 | 8 (double) | Left extent | The extents are specified in the coordinate space specified by the UTM flag/zone fields. If UTM is false, they are ordinary geographic (latitude-longitude) values. |
36 | 8 (double) | Right extent | |
44 | 8 (double) | Bottom extent | |
52 | 8 (double) | Top extent | |
60 | 2 (short) | External projection | 0: Projection is fully described by this header 1: Projection is specified in a external .prj file |
62-255 | 194 | unused | Bytes of value 0 are used to pad the rest of the header. |
Followed by binary equivalent of the following... 390.0 392.0 393.0 393.0 393.0 ..etc 391.0 391.0 392.0 392.0 393.0 ..etc : etc. |
Raster data are stored in nrows rows from south to north, each
row consisting of ncols values from west to east.
Raster values should be 'little-endian' values either 32-bit float or 16-bit integer according to the header value. |
Default file extension: .asc
Example | Description |
Copyright 1994. EDX Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5 280000.0 80000.0 280000.0 100000.0 300000.0 100000.0 300000.0 80000.0 50.0 50.0 401 401 .0 -2.00000 49.00000 6377563.4 .00334091 .99960000 -100000.0 400000.0 .0 323.0 392 393 393 393 393 ..etc 393 394 393 395 394 ..etc : etc. |
ASCII file for storing elevation data. Header information consists of a single
first line with whitespace characters separating the following information
copyright, ktype, xc(1), yc(1), xc(2), yc(2), xc(3), yc(3), xc(4), yc(4),
xinc_ns, xinc_ew, ny, nx, cell_offset, xlno, xlto, rad, f, xko, false_north,
false_east, min_elev, max_elev . LandSerf uses the copyright field, the
south-west [xc(1), yc(1)] and north-east [xc(3), yc(3)] corners and the
resolution fields [xinc_ns, xinc_ew] only, but all other values should be
included in the same order.
Raster data are stored in ncols rows from west to east, each row consisting of nrows values from south to north. Raster values should be integer values only and are separated by any number of whitespace characters. |
Default file extension: .bin
Example | Description |
Binary equivalent of the following... 390 392 393 393 393 ..etc 391 391 392 392 393 ..etc : etc. |
Binary file for storing raster data. No header information is used, by
default the grid resolution is assumed to be 50x the vertical units.
Raster data are stored in nrows rows from north to south, each row consisting of ncols values from west to east. Raster values must be integers and are stored as Intel ordered words (low byte first). Imported files can be 8, 16, 24 or 32 bit words. Exported files are 16 bit words. |
Default file extension: .txt
Example | Description |
340530.0 448650.0 390.0 340580.0 448650.0 392.0 350550.0 441250.0 493.0 : etc. |
Text file for storing point data. No header information is used, x,y and
z values all assumed to be in the same units.
Point data are stored in x y z order, one point per line and can be space, tab or comma separated. All values can be in either integer or floating point formats. When importing point data, they can be optionally converted directly into a raster. Any raster locations not represented by a point are given a value of 0. |
Default file extension: .txt
Example | Description |
390 392 393 393 393 ..etc 391 391 392 392 393 ..etc : etc. |
ASCII file for storing raster data. No header information is used, by
default the grid resolution is assumed to be 50x the vertical units.
Raster data are stored in nrows rows from north to south, each row consisting of ncols values from west to east. Raster values can be floating point or integer numbers and are separated by any number of whitespace characters (including new lines). |
Default file extension: .txt
Example | Description |
P 340000.0 483520.0 14.16 5 P 345000.0 479050 13.01 5 L 2 7 366000.0 489530.0 14.5 375210.0 488100.0 10 A 3 9 366000.0 489550.0 14.5 368100.0 488780.0 10.0 368200.0 488180.0 12.0 : etc. |
Text file for storing point, line, flow and area vector data. No header
information is used, x,y and z values all assumed to be in the same
Feature type is identified by a P, L or A prefix representing point, line and area features respectively. Point data are stored in x y [z] Attrib order, one point per line. z values are optional. Line and Area data have an initial line containing the number of coordinates and an optional feature attribute. Coordinates follow in x y [z] order where the z value is optional. All coordinates and attributes can be in either integer or floating point formats. |
Default file extension: .jpg or .gif
Example | Description |
GIF or JPEG file. | Binary image file in either (24 bit) JPEG or (8 bit) GIF format. Since these formats do not store geographical limits, they can only be loaded once some geographical area has been defined. The images are then stretched to fit the required area. Exported images are given the dimensions of LandSerf's graphical display at the point at which the image is saved. |
Default file extension: .txt
Example | Description |
north: 517000 south: 506000 east: 350000 west: 333000 rows: 220 cols: 340 647 662 680 695 709 ..etc 644 660 680 694 707 ..etc : etc. |
ASCII file for storing raster data. Header information consists of at
the outer bounds of the raster and the number of rows/columns (in any
Raster data are stored in nrows rows from north to south, each row consisting of ncols values from west to east. Raster values can be floating point or integer numbers and are separated by any number of whitespace characters. |
Default file extension: .txt
Example | Description |
ORGANIZATION: Jo Wood DIGIT DATE: 2.5.98 DIGIT NAME: MAP NAME: from raster map lakes.dem MAP DATE: MAP SCALE: 25000 OTHER INFO: ZONE: 0 WEST EDGE: 333000 EAST EDGE: 350000 SOUTH EDGE: 506000 NORTH EDGE: 517000 MAP THRESH: 0 VERTI: L 3 506025 336625 506025 336625 506025 336625 : etc. Attribute file... L 336625.0000 506025.0000 50 L 333165.2545 507005.2545 100 L 334774.6173 506041.1564 100 : etc. |
Text file for storing point, line, and area vector data. If geometry
and optional attributes are stored in separate files. The geometry
file contains header information in the first 14 lines. Of most importance
are the bounds of the vector, the remaining header items are either
ignored by LandSerf or stored as 'notes'.
Feature type is identified by a P, L or A prefix representing point, line and area features respectively. Each new feature contains the type and number of coordinates to follow. Coordinate data are stored in y x order, one pair per line. Attributes are stored in a separate file and are linked to geometry by containing a coordinate pair in common followed by the attribute (one per line). All coordinates and attributes can be in either integer or floating point formats. |
Default file extension: .ntf
Example | Description |
07 Section header record (raster bounds) 50 Grid header record (DEM range) 51 Grid record (DEM values) : etc. |
ASCII file for storing geographical data. This is a complex format with LandSerf only reading a subset of possible formats (UK Ordnance Survey 50m and 10m DEMs). Header information is stored in section and grid header records, the elevation values in a grid record. |
Default file extension: .raw
Example | Description |
Binary equivalent of the following... 218 218 219 219 219 ..etc 217 217 218 218 219 ..etc : etc. |
Binary file for storing raster data. No header information is used and the raster must be 257x257
pixels (LandSerf will automatically scale any raster to these dimensions when exporting).
Raster data are stored in nrows rows from south to north, each row consisting of ncols values from west to east. Raster values should be 8 bit integers. If floating point values are required, scale up to largest possible integer value (255) and rescale after file has been transferred. |
Default file extension: .bin
Example | Description |
Binary equivalent of the following... 390 392 393 393 393 ..etc 391 391 392 392 393 ..etc : etc. |
Binary file for storing raster data. No header information is used, by
default the grid resolution is assumed to be 50x the vertical units.
Raster data are stored in nrows rows from south to north, each row consisting of ncols values from west to east. Raster values should be 16 bit Intel (low byte first) integers. If floating point values are required, scale up to largest possible integer value (65535) and rescale after file has been transferred. |
Default file extension: .txt
Example | Description |
390 392 393 393 393 ..etc 391 391 392 392 393 ..etc : etc. |
ASCII file for storing raster data. No header information is used, by
default the grid resolution is assumed to be 50x the vertical units.
Raster data are stored in nrows rows from south to north, each row consisting of ncols values from west to east. Raster values should be integers and are separated by any number of whitespace characters (including new lines). |
Default file extension: .wrl
Example | Description |
#VRML V2.0 utf8# # Converted from LandSerf file: Soil # SW corner was originally: 320000.0,435020.0 # Scaled so centre is at 0,0,0 with largest side 10 units long Background { skyColor [0.0 0.2 0.7, 0.0 0.5 1.0, 1.0 1.0 1.0 ] skyAngle [ 1.309, 1.571 ] groundColor [0.1 0.10 0.0,0.4 0.25 0.2, 0.6 0.60 0.6, ] groundAngle [ 1.309, 1.571 ] } Transform { translation -5, -4, -10 scale 0.1,0.1,0.1 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { } } geometry ElevationGrid { xDimension 100 zDimension 100 xSpacing 1.0 zSpacing 1.0 solid FALSE creaseAngle 3 height [ 2.5961194, 2.5735216, etc. 2.5961135, 2.5735227, etc. etc. ] colorPerVertex TRUE color Color { color [ 0.553 0.163 0.463, etc. 0.553 0.121 0.495, etc. etc. ] } } } ] } |
ASCII file for defining Virtual Reality worlds. Consists of raster elevations values in a VRML97
heightfield and vertex colouring as RGB triplets for each elevation. All geometry is scaled to form
a 20x20 unit grid centred at local coordinates 0,0,0. Includes simple plane and sky to provide background
Raster values can be floating point and are separated by any number of whitespace characters. |