LandSerf is a freely available application for the visualisation and analysis of surfaces. Applications include visualisation of landscapes; geomorphological analysis; gaming; GIS file conversion; map output; archaeological mapping and analysis; surface modelling and many others. It runs on any platform that supports Java (Windows, MacOSX, Unix, Linux etc.)


sample screen from LandSerf


LandSerf is available for Windows, Linux and MacOSX. To download right click (Ctrl-click on Mac) on the relevant link below and 'Save link as...' somewhere on your computer.

Note: Some browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer on Windows) will incorrectly attempt to rename the files below with a '.zip' extension. After saving a local copy of the file, make sure it is named with a .jar extension as detailed below.


Conditions of Use

Source code, bytecode and documentation for LandSerf remain Copyright, Jo Wood, 1996-2009.

You may make copies of this software and associated documentation, provided it is for personal or educational use and the original documentation remains intact. You must not sell or otherwise charge for the use of LandSerf.

This software is provided on an "as is" basis, without warranty. The author makes no representation, or warranty, either express or implied, with respect to the software programs, their quality, accuracy or fitness for a specific purpose. Therefore the author accepts no liability with respect to loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the LandSerf software.