To view Research Excellence Framework (REF) scores, select either a unit of assessment (UoA) or institution. Darker red colours represent higher quality research scores either as a proportion of submitted staff ('Scale by staff %') or by the volume of staff submitted ('Scale by staff counts').
You can choose how to order the results by clicking one of the options under 'order by'. For example selecting '4*' will rank institutions by the proportion or volume of 4* research. '(4* + 3*)' will rank by the combined 4* and 3* research scores. 'GPA (4-3-2-1)' will rank by Grade Point Average weighting 4* research by 4, 3* by 3 etc.
Selecting any institution when displayed on the left highlights it allowing it to be tracked as you change between different UoAs, metrics or time periods.
You can compare results with the previous RAE 2008 exercise by selecting either 'UoA 2008' or 'Institution 2008'. These data have been grouped into the 2014 UoAs to ease comparison between the two time periods.
Selecting 'Filter by' options allow you to examine outputs, impact and environment scores separately and see their contribution to the overall REF scores.
Visualization created by Jo Wood, giCentre, City University London, 2014.