Iulia did not die!

Iulia Hasdeu In the prologue of the spiritualist volume "SIC COGITO" ("This Is How I Think"), B.P.Hasdeu confessed his first experience of communicating with his daughter: "Six months have elapsed since my daughter's death. It was in March, winter had gone; spring had not arrived. On a wet and dull evening I was sitting alone in the room, near my working desk. In front of me, as always, there was a packet of paper and some pencils. How? I do not know, I do not know, I do not know; but without understanding how, my hand took a pencil and put its point onto the paper. I began to feel short and strong tapping in my left temple, as if there was a telegraph receiver inside my head. Suddenly, my hand began to move restlessly, for no longer than five seconds at a time. When my arm stopped moving and the pencil fell from my fingers, I felt as if I had been awakened from a deep sleep, although I was sure I had not fallen asleep. I looked at the paper and I could read very clearly: " Je suis hereuse; je t'aime; nous nous reverrons; cela doit te suffire. Iulia Hasdeu." ("I am happy; I love you; we shall see each other again; this must be enough for you. Iulia Hasdeu")".

The scientist had written everything down in his daughter's handwriting and had signed it with her signature. >From that moment, until 1907 when he died at Câmpina, B.P.Hasdeu, without neglecting his old preoccupations, dedicated himself to spiritualist research by documentation and experiment. In 1890 the scientist, inspired spiritually, built Iulia's Tomb at "Bellu" graveyard of Bucharest. This is the inscription made in 1939: " And nevertheless, here she is! Iulia Hasdeu is among us!" The earth had preserved her immaculate body, even after death. Warmth has not wilted the lily. Through the magic glass of the mausoleum's window, where Hasdeu used to look everyday at his embalmed daughter, sitting there for hours on end at her desk, surrounded by her dearest relics and talking to her in a language understood only by himself, Iulia Hasdeu can be seen, even today, as beautiful as she had been fifty years ago as she lies there, in her white, parchment-like coffin. You can still see her serene face and brown wavy hair, it had rested under the pious hand that had caressed it for the last time, her small straight nose, her mouth in a final smile, overwhelmed by death on her snow white face.

In 1893, Hasdeu's family spent a holiday at their friend's house from Câmpina, Ch. Dr. Constantin I. Istrati who, later, was to become a Minister and President of the Romanian Academy. Both scientists had a common belief: spiritualism. That visit gave Hasdeu the opportunity to see the place where the second temple, the Castle dedicated to Iulia, was going to be built, the plans of which had been suggested to him during the spiritualist sessions, piece by piece. That very year, he purchased ten thousand square meters of parkland and set the foundations of the Castle; three years later the building was complete. 

The Bishop Ghenadie of the County of Arges, hallowed it in 1896, on the 2nd of July, the symbolic anniversary of the two Iulia's, the scientist's wife and daughter. The Castle is the place where Hasdeu retired after 1897, isolating himself, little by little, from the world, which did not understand his concerns. But nevertheless, he experienced an intense communication with the world of spirits, attempting to penetrate it with his genius. The thoughts of a great Romanian scholar, Nicolae Iorga, in connection with Hasdeu'seclusion, are illustrated as: " Even defeated, overcome by the world, he surrounded his retreat with a brilliant art which forced the eyes to close, always leaving the impression of an incontestable human superiority."

The Temple Castle at Câmpina is built of stone, iron and wood, all in perfect architecture. A tower is situated on each side of the central higher tower, which hosts the "church", the divine space which is entered through the massive door made of stone, with the beautifully chiselled inscription of the Hasdeu family's coat-of-arms with the words: " E PUR SI MUOVE " and " PRO FIDE ET PATRIA ". The door swivels around a central axis, allowing access, and above it, the " all-seeing eye " in a triangle, surrounded by rays - THE SYMBOL OF THE TRINITY! The main entrance to the Castle is guarded by two stone thrones, symbols of divine nobility, on which one can read the religious, philosophical, social and moral laws, transmitted by Iulia's spirit, as well as her former incarnations, such as: Agnodike, Hypathia, Beatrice, Juana Verbanez, Elisabeth Tudor, Charlotte Corday and Iulia Hasdeu. The pronaos is the first hall the visitor enters into. Opening a wooden door, through a passage, lined by parallel mirrors arranged side by side, the visitor will enter the round nave, the central room of the castle, corresponding to the highest tower. The human-mirror relationship has it's magic aspects. The mirror retains the soul; it disembodies the body and embodies the spirit. In the middle of the tower, the human eye sees the axis of the world, having at its highest point an opening formed by steps. The column and the steps symbolise the Saint Graal, the chalice with our Saviour's Blood. By no means by accident, the beautiful sculpture of Jesus by Rafaelo Casciani, is standing above today, as it did for one hundred years. Wars, earthquakes, human ignorance, have affected the monument, turning it, some time ago, into a ruin; but the statue of Jesus from the Castle's dome was never touched by evil! In 1936, finding the impressive statue in the middle of some ruined walls, two young men had their photo taken together with Jesus. After a few days, one of them, who had placed a peaked cap on the hand of the statue, died from sulphuric acid burns. The photo can be found in the museum's archives.

The ceiling of the main tower is vaulted. A circular metallic parapet links the inferior plane of the material to the superior one, the eternal spirit world. Through this very symbol, the tower represents the union of Matter and Spirit, of Heaven and Earth. The evil spirits have no place in an harmonious relationship between body and soul. The old civilisation used solid iron to keep evil spirits away, but the Castle's open lattice works suggests the purity of the place, protected by Divinity against inferior spirits. Even light, filtering through the stained glass windows, is crystal clear! The whole atmosphere invites meditation, bringing peace to the soul and clearing the mind, which is so often overloaded with materialistic problems.

The Temple has an altar, flanked on both sides by two libraries. On the altar are Iulia'cottage piano and her bust made from Carrara marble. The books, symbols of knowledge, the science which drives away the darkness of ignorance! Through lateral doors, from the domed Temple, visitors enter the dining room, sitting room and the parlour, situated in the left wing of the Castle. Or, situated on the right wing are the scientist's study and bedroom. Exceptional mural frescos and marble moulding will catch the visitor's eye. The impressive colours, the shape and their symbolism overwhelm even the initiated guest. Besides the rooms having a profane destination, if we may put it this way, the Castle hosts the "room with animals", where Hasdeu's spiritualist group sessions took place. Not yet restored are two small areas of old frescos which still exist on the walls: Iulia's head, having a pair of indefinite wings, illustrating the impression of her seraphic appearance, together with the Trinity's Triangle. Just below, there is a round niche, an energetic receiver transmitting symbols of harmony. The room's obscurity is important because only in darkness the little light at the end of the tunnel can be seen! A spiritualist manuscript and some ectoplasmic photos will satisfy the curiosity of the visitor who asks himself how Hasdeu talked to his dead daughter. Through direct automatic writing, using cultured mediums-doctors, writers-B.P.Hasdeu was receiving answers to questions related not only to Iulia's spirit, but also to his father's, Alexander, and to his grandfather's, Tadeu.

Sometimes, the written communications were reinforced by photographic sessions, the scientist being a pioneer of spiritualist photography in Romania. B.P.Hasdeu is also the first Romanian who published a spiritualist book, in the last decade of nineteenth century, "SIC COGITO" ("This How I Think"), inspired, he said, from his personal relationship with his dead.

The "Iulia Hasdeu" Castle is a place of recollection, where the profane and the sacred unite in harmony. The strong belief in God and Love defeats death and removes the barriers between the seen and unseen Worlds. From within these limitations, we ask ourselves; " Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?" Hasdeu found the answer: "There is no youth, no old age; life and death are merely stages of the eternal line."

If you wish for peace to come to you, if you wish to find tranquillity in a world too heavily overloaded by matter, then come to Câmpina, to the Castle of Iulia Hasdeu, and allow yourself to be charmed by the beautiful story of "youth without old age and life without death". This place, full of symbols of the old beliefs, offers living water to the spirit of those who long for knowledge. 

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"B.P.Hasdeu" Memorial Museum, 199 Carol I Blvd., 2150 Câmpina, Prahova County, 
Romania, Tel/Fax: (+40) 44/335599; Contact: Director Jenica Tabacu