Reconnecting a Replaced Representation

This task first consists in replacing a representation then in reconnecting geometrical elements.
Open the Reconnect01.CATProduct document.
1.  Right-click on SCREW in the specifications tree
2.  Select Representations -> Manage Representations from the contextual menu.

The Manage Representation dialog box is displayed.


3.  Click on CRIC_SCREW.model in the Source field.
4.  Click  Replace... 

The Associate Representation dialog box is displayed.

5. Navigate to open the CRIC_SCREW_NEW.model.
6. The Reconnect Representation dialog box is displayed. 
A window containing the assembly with the old representation is displayed in  the window to the left of the dialog box.

A window containing only the new representation is displayed to the right of the dialog box. You are going to reconnect the geometrical elements in this window.


5.  To reconnect the highlighted geometric element of the old representation, that is a line, select the axis of the new representation.
6.  Select Plane  and select the circular face as shown to reconnect the plane.

Two "Yes" are now displayed in the Reconnect field.
6.  Click OK to validate.
7.  Click Close to close the Manage Representation dialog box.

The representation is replaced and constraints are valid.

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