
A number of tools let you prepare html reports that you can publish on the enterprise intranet or the Internet for collaborative communication. You can for example take a snapshot of an assembly, add appropriate comments or annotations and even select parts to insert as a VRML link.

This task explains how to publish reports. You can access this command only if DMU products are installed.

Enter the scene of your choice.
1.  Click the Start Publish I_StartPubP2.gif (212 bytes) icon in the Scenes toolbar.

The Select Publish File dialog box appears.

2.  Identify the path where you want to save the report as well as the report name then click the Save button

Reports are published in html format. The date created and the person who created the report are indicated.

The Publishing Tools toolbar appears.

3.  Click the Feature Publish icon , then select the feature you want to publish in the specification tree. 

The features you can publish are the following: simulations, interferences, URL.

When done, click the Stop Publish icon I_RemoveFamilyP2.gif (249 bytes) in the Publishing Tools toolbar. You can use other Publishing Tools commands to add a comment or take snapshots for example

4. Click the Snapshot  icon I_PhotoP2.gif (311 bytes) to insert a screen capture into your report.
5.  Click the Text icon I_PubTextP2.gif (203 bytes) to add a comment:

The Publish Text dialog box appears.

6.  Enter your comments, for example "You can also add comments to your report or a VRML link" then click OK.
7. Select one or more products then click the VRML icon I_VRMLPubP2.gif (238 bytes) to insert selected components as a VRML link.
8. When done, click the Stop Publish  icon I_RemoveFamilyP2.gif (249 bytes) and read the published report.


Clicking the images in the html page enlarges them.
