Driving 3D Constraints via Generated Dimensions

atarget.gif (1372 bytes) In this task, you will learn how to drive 3D constraints via generated dimensions. 
aprereq.gif (1223 bytes) Go to Tools -> Options -> Mechanical Design -> Drafting. 

On the Dimension tab, select Activate analysis display mode. Then, click the Types and colors button to define the characteristics that will be assigned to constrained geometry.

The Types and colors of dimensions dialog box lets you select the colors you want to assign to driving dimensions. Select the colors shown below, for example.

On the Administration tab, make sure that the Prevent dimensions from driving 3D constraints option is not selected.

Open the GenDrafting_drive_3dconstraints.CATDrawing document.

Open the Pinmounting.CATPart document.


ascenari.gif (1364 bytes) 1. On the front view, double-click the dimension which defines the top radius (Dimension.5 object). The Constraint Definition dialog box appears.


2. Type 30 in the radius field to change the radius definition, and click OK. 

The dimension is edited.


3. On the top view, double-click the dimension which defines the rounded corner radius (Dimension.1 object). The Parameter Definition dialog box appears.


4. Type 30 in the value field, and click OK.

The dimension is edited.


5. In the CATPart window, click the Update button to update the part. The part is updated and reflects your modifications:


6. In the CATDrawing window, click the Update button to update the drawing. The drawing is updated with the latest modifications in the part:

aendtask.gif (1477 bytes)


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