Open the KwrFormula0.CATPart document,
select the root item in the specification tree and access the Knowledge Advisor
Click the Check icon .
The first Check Editor dialog box is displayed.
Replace the default name with Cylinder_Check. If needed, add some
comments to the Description field.
If you want to add the check to be created to a specific relation set, specify a
destination. To do so, see Creating Sets of Relations. By
default, the check is created right below the Relations node.
Click OK. The Check Editor is displayed.
Select a type of check. Enter the message you want to be displayed in
the information or warning box in case the check is not verified.
Enter the check statements in the edition window. You can simply
Copy/Paste the following statements into the edition window: Relations\Formula.1\Activity == false
Click Apply to test your check syntax.
Click OK to add Cylinder_Check to the relations node in the specification
tree. A red icon is displayed in the specification tree meaning that the check is not
Formula.1, the check icon turns to green in the specification tree.