Using the Knowledge Advisor Action

This task explains how to use an action.

The scenario described below is made up of 3 major steps:

You first create a pad containing an action.
You store this action in a catalog
You then import the action stored in the catalog into another CATPart product.
It is highly recommended to be familiar with the Part Design workbench to carry out this scenario.
  1. Access the Part Design workbench and create a Pad or open the KwrAction.CATPart file.

  2. Create a parameter of volume type and assign it a formula. To do so, proceed as follows:

Click the icon, select Volume in the scrolling list, click the New Parameter of type button and rename the Parameter (V in this scenario).
Click the Add formula button. The formula editor opens.
Under Dictionary, select Part Measures, and select smartVolume. Position the cursor between the parentheses and select PartBody. Click OK, Yes (when prompted for an automatic update) and OK.
  1. Access the Knowledge Advisor workbench and click the Action icon () to create an action. The Action editor opens. Enter the following script and click OK:

    Inputs field B: Body
    Editor B.Query("Pad","").Compute("+","Solid","smartVolume(x)",V)
    Message("Total volume of the pads under this body : #",V)
The action created above searches for the pads contained in the selected body and computes the volume of these pads.
To know more about Query and Compute, click here.
To see the created .CATPart file, click here.
  1. Save your file and store the created action in a catalog. To do so, proceed as follows: 
From the Start menu, select Knowledge->Catalog Editor. The catalog editor opens.
Click the Add Family icon (), or select the Insert -> Add Family... commands from the main menu to display the Component Family Definition dialog box. Indicate the name of the family (ComponentFamily.2 in this scenario), and click OK.
Double-click the ComponentFamily.2 family in the catalog structure and click the Add component icon (), or select the Insert -> Add Component... command to display the Description Definition dialog box.
Click the Select external feature button. Go back to the geometry, select the Action.1 feature in the specification tree and click OK. Save your catalog. The action contained in your .CATPart file is now stored in the catalog you have just created.
  1. Open the KwrReceiveAction.CATPart file.
6. Click the Catalog icon () to import the action stored in the catalog. Click the Browse another catalog icon ), select your catalog, and click Open. Double-click ComponentFamily.2, and double-click Action.1. The Insert object dialog box opens.

(Click the graphic opposite to enlarge it.)

7. Select PartBody: the imported action displays the volume of the pads contained in this body.

(Click the graphic opposite to enlarge it.)

8. Select Body.2: the imported action displays the volume of the pads contained in this body.


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