CloserSupConfig Method

Important note
Applies to a design table sheet. Returns the configuration which contains the smallest  values greater or equal to the values of the given arguments. When several configurations meet this condition, the method sorts out the possible configurations with respect to the column order as it is specified in the argument list. 


sheet.CloserSupConfig(columnName: String, minValue: Literal, ...): Integer

The CloserSupConfig function takes the following arguments:

Arguments Description
columnName Should be put in quotes. At least, one couple of arguments columnNamei/minValuei is required
minValue Required. You should specify the units.


Given the design table below:

  SketchRadius(mm) PadLim1(mm) PadLim2(mm)
1 120 60 10
2 130 50 30
3 120 60 25
4 140 50 40

The expression below:

Relations\DesignTable1\sheet_name.CloserSupConfig("PadLim1", 60mm, "SketchRadius", 120mm, "PadLim2", 20mm)

returns 3


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