Question Function

Displays a message in a dialog box, waits for the user to click a button and returns a value indicating which button the user clicked (true if Yes was clicked, false if No was clicked)


Question(String [# String1  # String2 ..., Param1Name, Param2Name, ...] ): Boolean

The Question function takes one required argument and several optional arguments depending on whether parameter values are to be displayed in the message.

Arguments Description
String Required. String to be displayed in the dialog box (should be put in quotes).
# String1, Param1Name... Optional. When parameter values are to be displayed within the message, the arguments should be specified as follows:
one string in quotes including a  #  symbol wherever a parameter value is to be displayed
as many [, parameter name] statements as parameter values declared with a "#" in the message.

Use the "|" symbol to insert a carriage return in a prompt.


Boolean2 =
Question("SketchRadius is # | Do you want to change this value ?",
PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius )


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