Trigonometric Functions

Cos(Real):Real, cosh (Real): Real
Calculates the cosine(cos) or hyperbolic cosine(cosh).
Real.1 = cos(PI*1rad/4)
Real.1 = cos(45deg)

tan(Real): Real, tanh(Real): Real
Calculates the tangent(tan) or hyperbolic tangent (tanh).

sin(Real):Real, sinh(Real):Real
Calculates the sine or hyperbolic sine.

asin(Real):Real, asinh(Real):Real
Calculates the arcsine or hyperbolic arcsine.

acos(Real):Real, acosh(Real):Real
Calculates the arccosine or hyperbolic arccosine.

atan(Real):Real, atanh(Real):Real
Calculates the arctangent or hyperbolic arctangent.


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