Wireframe Constructors

spline(pt: Point, ...): Curve

Creates a spline from several points.
Open_body.1\Curve.1   =
spline(Open_body.1\Point.1, Open_body.1\Point.2, Open_body.1\Point.3)


intersect(crv: Curve, crv: Curve) : Point

Constructs the point where two curves intersect.
Open_body.1\Point.6   =
intersect(Open_body.1\Curve.1 ,Open_body.1\Curve.2 )


intersect(crv: Curve, su: Surface) : Point

Constructs the point where a curve and a surface intersect.
Open_body.1\Point.7   =
intersect(Open_body.1\Spline.1 ,Open_body.1\Extrude.1 )


intersect(su: Surface, su: Surface) : Curve

Constructs the curve where two surfaces intersect.
Open_body.1\Curve.4  =
intersect(Open_body.1\Extrude.2 ,Open_body.1\Extrude.1 )


curveparallel(crv: Curve, su: Surface, offset: Length) : Curve

Constructs the curve parallel to another curve. The surface specified in the second argument is the support.
Open_body.1\Curve.4   =
curveparallel(Open_body.1\Spline.1 , Open_body.1\Extrude.2 ,20mm)


corner(crv1: Curve,  crv2: Curve, support: Surface, radius: Length, orientationcrv1: Boolean, orientationcrv2: Boolean, trim: Boolean : Curve

Constructs a corner between two curves. The arguments 5 and 6 should be used to scan the possible solutions. See the Generative Shape Design User's Guide for more information on corners. 
Open_body.1\Curve.6   =
corner(Open_body.1\Curve.1 ,Open_body.1\Curve.2, `xy plane` ,50mm,true,true,false)



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