Sketching a Circle from a Face

In this task, you will learn how to:
sketch a circle on an existing face
use this circle in order to create a pocket
1. Select the upper face to define the working plane.

2.  Click the Sketcher icon I_SketcherP2.gif (229 bytes) to enter the Sketcher workbench.

3.  Once in the Sketcher workbench, click this Circle icon to create a basic circle.

4.  Click the circle center in the middle of the face and drag the cursor to sketch the circle.

5.  Click once you are satisfied with the size of the circle.

Click the Exit Sketcher icon I_CloseP2.gif (214 bytes) to return to the 3D world. This is your part:

For more about Sketcher elements, please refer to CATIA-Dynamic Sketcher User's Guide Version 5.

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