Elliot Freeman
Elliot Freeman
Senior lecturer and admissions tutor in Psychology at City University, UK
(formerly Lecturer at Brunel University, and Research Fellow at Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, UK)
Teaching and admin:
· Cognitive Psychology (Vision, level II)
· Cognitive Neuroscience (level III and MSc)
· Admissions tutor for BSc Psychology
Lab members and alumni (PhD students):
Dr Alberta Ipser : Individual differences in multisensory timing and integration
Dr Iro Ntonia : Attentional cueing of emotional expressions
Christopher Fassnidge : Audiovisual associative learning
Research interests include:
· Cross-modal integration
· Synaesthesia
· Visual perception
· Selective attention
· Perceptual grouping
· Numerical cognition
Methods & experience include:
· Psychophysics
· Electrophysiology (EEG)
· Functional / structural MR imaging
· Transcranial magnetic and electrical brain stimulation
· Neuropsychology
My doctoral training was at Bristol University, where in 1998 I gained a PhD in Psychology for my thesis entitled ‘Task Dependent Factors in Perceptual Grouping’, with Prof. Tom Troscianko as supervisor. I then worked with Prof. Jon Driver as a postdoctoral research fellow, in the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL, until 2007. During that period I travelled to the Weizmann Institute in Israel to study with Prof. Dov Sagi, and to the Smith-Kettlewell Institute in San Francisco to study with Dr. Preeti Verghese. After my postdoctoral training, I worked for two years teaching Research Methods as a lecturer in Psychology at Brunel University, West London, before accepting my present post as lecturer at City University in 2009.
Contact details
Dr Elliot Freeman
Lecturer in Psychology
City University
School of Social Sciences, Room D407
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7040 0102
Fax: +44 (0)20 7040 8580
Email: elliot.freeman[at]city.ac.uk
Staff profile: http://www.city.ac.uk/people/academics/elliot-freeman
What I do