Guidelines for Statistical Testing

by Bev Littlewood and Lorenzo Strigini.

This report was prepared by the Centre for Software Reliability at City University (as a subocontractor to Intecs Sistemi) for the European Space Agency.

The European Space Agency should not be held responsible for any of the statements in this report. The copyright of this document rests with City University and the authors.


This document provides an introduction to statistical testing. Statistical testing of software is here defined as testing in which the test cases are produced by a random process meant to produce different test cases with the same probabilities with which they would arise in actual use of the software. Statistical testing of software has these main advantages:

This document explains the basic theory underlying statistical testing and provides guidance for its application. The material is organised to facilitate use both as an introduction for software engineers who are new to this approach to testing, and as a reference source during application.

Statistical testing is applicable to practically all kinds of software, so this document is not markedly specialised for space applications, though the examples are mostly space-related and the discussion of the software lifecycle is meant to apply to common practice among ESA suppliers.

Full text in pdf format.

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