Department of Computer Science

Dr Christos Kloukinas

- Advanced Programming: Concurrency

Dr Christos Kloukinas
Office A205
Department of Computer Science
City St George's, University of London
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB

C.Kloukinas (at) City.Ac.UK
tel: +44 20 7040 8848
fax: +44 20 7040 0244

Reaching the College building (where my office is) from Angel. (

Reaching the main University building from Angel. (

Drop-In Office Hours (during teaching weeks)

Advanced Programming: Concurrency

Advanced Programming: Concurrency


  • Lab Sessions:

    Note: User and password for the lab answers is "s". !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lab answers are released one week after the lab)

    • Lab 1
    • Lab 2
    • Lab 3
    • Lab 4
    • Lab 5 (building an app with a GUI either as a Java applet or a normal Java application)
    • Lab 6
    • Lab 7
    • Lab 8
    • FSP "tricks":
      • You can use a number as an action by putting it inside brackets:
        See the bistable (exercise 2.3) in Lab 2.
      • You can pass a label as a parameter, by quoting it with a single quotation mark:
        See Announcer-Lstener.lts from Chapter 11 (provided inside LTSA).

    Programming Tools

    You can use whichever IDE you want for Java. But note that you should check that your programs work with the basic development tools, that is: javac (Java Compiler), java (Java Virtual Machine), etc.
    I do not have any IDE on my system (no Eclipse, BlueJ, etc.) so I will not be able to compile your program if it needs one of those, in which case you will lose marks (quite a few...).
    So either develop your programs using the aforementioned standard tools or make sure that they can compile your program once you've finished developing it (and before submitting it...).

    Executing/coding applets

    • To execute an applet you can use the program appletviewer. This comes in the JDK. Use it as:
      appletviewer -J"" file.html
      where file.html contains a link to your applet, for example:
      <!-- Contents of file.html -->
      <applet code="MyApplet.class" width=800 height=250>
      appletviewer is fast, doesn't need much memory and can be easily killed if your applet goes wrong.

      ( The -J... option is needed to override the default security policy of the JVM, since Java applets are currently considered a security risk. The policy file needed is linked in the command above - store it locally where your file.html is. Here is the link to the policy file again.)

    • The book applets come with a Java wrapper that allows us to execute them using a normal Java VM, without needing appletviewer - just run (above the concurrency folder that contains the applets): java concurrency/viewer/Viewer
    • Lab 5 describes how to do a basic app either as a Java applet (deprecated) or a normal Java application.
