Home Page for Peter Willetts
Emeritus Professor of Global Politics
This is a legacy page for the teaching programme established by Centre for International Politics in the School of Social Science, in 2005. The other pages on this website are still being updated and can be accessed via the links in the navigation table on the right.
NGOs UN Docs SAC Publications City University, Undergraduate Courses on International Politics
A new Centre for International Politics has been established in the Department of Sociology at City University and it has launched new single honours and joint honours BSc degrees in International Politics. The first students started their degrees in September 2005. The first Second Year teaching will start in September 2006 and Third Year teaching in September 2007. In addition, the International Politics modules are available to other students in the School of Social Science.
Our pioneering approach to international politics offers a syllabus for understanding globalisation and international politics in the twenty-first century that differs from traditional international relations degrees in three important ways:
- by focusing on the movement of ideas in global policy making
- by covering the major intergovernmental organisations, such as the United Nations, the European Union, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO
- by analysing how governments relate to other political and transnational organisations, including social movements, non-governmental organisations, trades unions, religious groups and transnational corporations.
A degree in international politics can lead to a wide range of careers, including the diplomatic service, central and local government, non-governmental organisations, the media and business.
BSc in International Politics (Single Honours)
UCAS code L240click here ![]()
BSc in Sociology and International Politics (Joint Honours)
UCAS code LL23click here ![]()
BSc in Sociology (Single Honours)
First Year Sociology students may take one International Politics module in each term as an optionclick here ![]()
Visiting American Junior Year Abroad, Occasional Students
Students visiting City University for one or two semesters may take the available International Politics modules click here
City University, MA Programme in Human Rights
- For an outline of the different pathways for a Human Rights MA and how to apply - click here
City University, PhD research degrees in Global Politics
- For information on applications - click here.
- For information on recent successful doctorates - click here
Materials on Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) - click here
Research Project on Civil Society Networks in Global Governance
From October 2000 until September 2002, Peter Willetts was on research leave, to work as part of the Globalisation and Poverty Research Programme of the Department for International Development. His contribution, under the title Civil Society Networks in Global Governance was on the analysis of NGO participation in the UN Commission on Sustainable Development and the Global Environment Facility. The creation of this website was part of the project.
- Some early output from the Project - click here
- Speeches and Documents on the Politics of International Economics - click here
Materials on the United Nations - click here
Home Page for the South Atlantic Council - click here
Top of Page | Publications | NGOs | Civil Society | UN | Documents | BSc | MA | PhD |
Page maintained by Peter Willetts
Page last updated on 19 November 2020
from the previous version of 15 August 2006.