Index Page for Selected Documents and Speeches on the Crisis over Iraq
This collection is intended to be a useful archive of some important primary materials. The author apologises that there is no systematic basis for what is included or omitted. The choice is determined by teaching and research priorities. The text of the documents has not been amended, but usually some copy-editing of the lay-out has been done.
In any use of these materials, please acknowledge the source as being

8 November 2002 UN Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002)
For a summary of the debate in the Security Council on 16-17 October 2002 at the request of the Non-Aligned Movement, click here.
For a summary of the debate in the Security Council on 8 November 2002 upon the adoption of Resolution 1441 (2002), click here.
For the text of Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002), click here.
For the text of the joint letter from the Executive Chairman of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission, Hans Blix, and the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed El-Baradei, to General Amir H. Al-Saadi, of the Iraqi Presidential Office, dated 8 October 2002, and annexed to Resolution 1441 (2002), click here.
For the explanation of the vote of the United Kingdom, on Resolution 1441 (2002), click here.
For the explanation of the vote of the United States, on Resolution 1441 (2002), click here.
For the text of the Joint Statement of 8 November 2002 by China, France and Russia interpreting Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002), click here.
For the State Department press briefing on Resolution 1441 (2002), click here.
For a statement by Tony Blair, made in an interview with the Financial Times on 9 December 2002, reaffirming that the US and the UK would not attack Iraq without first returning to the Security Council, to seek a second resolution, click here.
Key Security Council Resolutions Following the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait in August 1990
2 August 1990 Security Council Resolution 660 (1990), Condemns the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and demands their withdrawal.
29 November 1990, Security Council Resolution 678 (1990), Demands Iraq complies with Resolution 660, gives them until 15 January 1991 to do so and thereafter authorises "Member States ... to use all necessary means" to implement an Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait.
Other Security Council Resolutions
The main Security Council resolutions since 1990 on Iraq can be accessed from the "Documents" index on the UN home page for the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC).
12 September 2002 Speech by Kofi Annan
Speech by Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General, to the General Assembly of the United Nations, 12 September 2002.
click here.
12 September 2002 Speech by George W. Bush
Speech by the President of the United States, to the General Assembly of the United Nations, 12 September 2002.
click here.
1 October 2002 Speech by Tony Blair
At our best when at our boldest, speech by Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, at the Labour Party Conference, Winter Gardens, Blackpool, Tuesday 1 October 2002
click here.
2 October 2002 Speech by Bill Clinton
Speech by Bill Clinton, former US President, at the Labour Party Conference, Winter Gardens, Blackpool, Wednesday 2 October 2002.
click here.