LandSerf 'add-ons'
These addons are for LandSerf 2.1 only. They have been incorporated into later versions so you should not need
download them. They are retained here for users who need to use version 2.1 but would like the extra functionality.
For the latest release please visit
- GTOPO30 DEM reader. Utility to convert GTOPO30 .dem files into LandSerf format.
Can be used for ~1km resolution global DEM import.
- Reprojector. Improved reprojection utility that overcomes bug in LandSerf 2.1 that prevented
spatial objects in the southern hemisphere from being correctly projected to/from UTM coordinates. Updated 26th October 2004:
Now with improved boundary estimation for reprojected rasters.
- Shapefile reader. Improved utility to convert shapefiles into LandSerf format.
Unlike the conversion in LandSerf2.1, this addon can import multiple attributes from a .dbf file.
- USGS DEM reader. Improved utility to convert USGS .dem files into LandSerf format.
Unlike the USGS import in LandSerf 2.1, this version will allow 1 degree (3 arc-second resolution) DEMs to be read.