LandSerf allows you to visualise and perform analysis on spatial data. It is primarily designed to be
used with surface and elevation models, but will work with most types of 'GIS' data. It supports raster
DEM and vector TIN, contour and metric surface network models of elevation.
In addition to its own file format, LandSerf supports many common GIS and spatial data file formats
including rasters and vectors from ArcGIS and GRASS, EDX, Ordnance Survey, and the visualisation software
VistaPro, TerraExplorer ('BT' files) and TerraGen. Raster and vector data can be output as GIS files
in a range of formats, text for spreadsheets and other software, and web formats including, SVG,
VRML and XML. Data may be imported and exported directly from and to Garmin GPS receivers.
Rasters can be created using polynomial expression or fractal simulation. The spatial boundaries of
rasters and vectors can be edited along with other supplementary data. Data can be reprojected between
lat/long, UTM, OS National Grid and Swiss National Grid coordinte systems. Rasters can be rectified using
on screen selection of ground control points. Vectors can be digitized on screen. DEMs may be transformed into TINs or
contour models. TINs can be transformed to DEMs.
Rasters can be visualised as interpolated colour maps, as shaded relief maps, or combined hue-saturation
or blended maps. Vector contours and TINS may be displayed separately or overlaid on rasters. Colour tables
associated with raster and vector maps can be edited graphically or numerically.
LandSerf can view surfaces as if in 3 dimensions. A virtual camera can be 'flown' over a surface in real
time to produce more realistic terrain visualisations. Images and vector maps may be draped over the
surface to provide contextual information. Various viewing parameters such as haze density, camera field
of view, lighting etc, can be altered interactively.
Raster and vector header information (title, bounding area, map projection, min/max values etc.), and colour tables may
be displayed. Rasters can be interactively queried for attribute values, or multi-scale parameters.
Univeriate statistics, scatterplots and frequency histograms can be calculated from raster data.
A variety of surface parameters (slope, aspect, curvature etc.) and surface features (channels, ridges,
peaks etc.) may be calculated from elevation models. Analysis can be performed over a range of scales
and spatial extents. The degree of scale-dependency can be quantified and visualised.