This task shows you how
to re-use a 2D component. In this particular case, we will
a 2D component previously created on a detail
sheet. Select a task: |
Open the Position_Component.CATDrawing
Creating a 2D Component instance
1. Double-click the view in which you
want to instantiate the 2D component.
This view is now active.
2. Click the Instantiate 2D
Component icon .
Note that to position several 2D components on the sheet and keep the scale and angle
properties for all these components, you need to double- click the Instantiate 2D
Component icon .
3. Go to the detail sheet Sheet2(Detail)
and click the
You can select the 2D component from the design tree. You can also select a
component that
already exists on the drawing sheet. |
The drawing sheet automatically displays the sheet containing the
starting view.
4. Position the component using the
picking assistant.
You can use the Tools toolbar for positioning the component either before
or after you instantiate the 2D component.
5. If needed, select the
component and use the displayed manipulators to modify the component.
You can also modify a group of objects
including a 2D component. For this, multi-select the group of object and perform
the desired modification(s).
To find easily and edit the
reference 2D Component, double-click or right-click on the 2D component you have
instantiated, and choose Edit 2D reference option in the
contextual menu.
Replacing the Reference of a 2D Component
Create a 2D component
instance (see the previous scenario). |
Right-click on an instance, and from the contextual menu, select Replace
Reference for this instance.

2. Select another instance (this
instance reference will be taken into account) or a 2D component in a local
sheet of detail
The 2D component instance reference is replaced. |
You cannot use a
catalog to replace a 2D component instance reference. To bypass this, use an
instance created with this catalog.
Positioning a 2D Component instance during creation
Open the Position_Component02.CATDrawing
document. |
1. At
any time as you instantiate a component, you can re-position it using
the Position dialog box that appears.

2. Click the
the component origin option
from the Position dialog box.
3. On the component, click the point
which you want to use as the component origin: this makes it easier to
position this

4. Click the Change the component
angle option
from the Position dialog box.
5. Click in the view once the
component angle axis corresponds to the position you want to assign to the
You can also flip the component according to
either the x axis or the y axis. If you click the
Flip component horizontally option
, the
component flips on the horizontal axis of the
detail. If you click the Flip component
vertically option , the
component flips on the vertical axis of
its reference .
Add a leader to a 2D component
Create a 2D component following the scenario Creating 2D component instance. |
1. Right-click the 2D component and
select Add Leader.
2. Select the element you want to
associate to the 2D component, or click in empty space.
Open the Position_Component.CATDrawing
document. |
1. Go
to Tools -> Macro and select Start recording.
Key in the macro name and click on start button. 
Create a 2D component instance using the Instantiate Detail icon . |
Stop the recording clicking the following icon
or go to Tools -> Macro and select Stop
Recording. |
Now you can create this 2D component
instance automatically. |
5. Delete
the previous 2D Component instance. Go
to Tools -> Macro -> Macros, select the macro
and click the run button
This macro will be available only in
this drawing. |
6. A
2D component instance will be created at the same place as the previous
one. |
Modify text in 2D Component Instances
This functionality allows you to modify 2D component
texts. |
Open the Position_Component.CATDrawing
document. |
1. Click detail sheet tab, activate the 2D component view (double-click this
view), insert a text in the 2D component and create
a 2D component instance.
2. Right-click on the 2D
reference component text:

3. Check Modifiable In instances.
The text in the instances you have created and the ones
you will create will be modifiable.
4. Once more create a 2D component
5. In the sheet one, double-click on the first 2D component instance text you
have create, modify it and click to validate, then double-click on the
second one. Modify it and click to validate.
Both are modifiable.
 | Attribute links may be added in the text content, |
 | once a text becomes modifiable, it is not possible to
make it non modifiable, |
 | when a 2D component text becomes modifiable, the new
but also the created instances texts become modifiable, |
 | for 2D component instances created with catalog, if a
text becomes modifiable in catalog, you have to synchronise
the external reference to make the 2D component instance text
modifiable too (see Infrastructure User's Guide, advanced tasks
-> Using Catalogs -> creating a catalog ). |
Annotation Orientation in 2D Component Instances
This functionality allows you to fix the text orientation in
the 2D Component. In the 2D Component Instances, the text will keep the same
orientation even if the 2D component instance is rotated or flipped.
Open the Position_Component04.CATDrawing
document. |
1. Right-click on the text.
Select Properties and Text tab.
Choose to orientate the text horizontally relating to the sheet.
2. Create
two 2D Component Instances, one without modifying the orientation and
one orienting a 2D Component instance during
creation. For the second instance, set the angle with the sheet to:

The 2D Component Text orientation in relation to the sheet is kept.
Not available for tables. |
Text oriented view, summary
Original orientation |
Horizontal |
Vertical |
Flip Horizontal |
Flip Vertical |
Rotate |
Text rotate with 2D component instance |
Text orientation is fixed and independent from 2D
component instance orientation |