Gherri, E. & Forster, B. (2010). The spatial reference frames employed during hand and eye movement preparation: evidence from lateralized ERP components. Poster presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Portland, USA.
Calvo-Merino, B., Gillmeister, H., Orgs, G., Haggard, P. & Forster, B. (2010). Visual and aesthetic processing of the human body: a sensorimotor approach. Talk presented at Symposium: Experimental Aesthetics, the International Multisensory Research Forum, 11th Annual Meeting, Liverpool, UK.
Gillmeister, H. & Forster, B. (2010). Hands behind your back: Effects of arm posture on tactile attention in the space behind the body. Talk presented at the International Multisensory Research Forum, 11th Annual Meeting, Liverpool, UK.
Goss, S., Gillmeister, H. & Forster, B. (2010). Does seeing you touch an object modulate somatosensory processing in my hands in a finger-specific way? Poster presented at the International Multisensory Research Forum, 11th Annual Meeting, Liverpool, UK.
Landmann, J. & Forster, B (2010). Non-spatial tactile congruency: effects of vision and proprioception on tactile perception. Poster presented at the International Multisensory Research Forum, 11th Annual Meeting, Liverpool, UK.
Gherri, E. & Forster, B. (2010). Effects of task demands on tactile spatial attention. Poster presented at the 17th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Jones, A. & Forster, B. (2010). Exogenous tactile attention in detection and discrimination task: ERPs and behavioural measures. Poster presented at the 17th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Forster, B. (2010). Attention to Touch: a crossmodal perspective. Department of Psychology, Brunel University, London, UK .
Forster, B. (2010). Attention to Touch: a crossmodal perspective. Department of Psychology, Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK .
Forster, B. (2010). Attention to Touch: a crossmodal perspective. Department of Psychology, Durham University, Durham, UK .
Forster, B. & Gillmeister, H. (2009) Viewing fingers of the same hand can disturb tactile spatial selection. Poster presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Berlin, Germany.
Mawbey, C., Gillmeister, H., & Forster, B. (2009). Attention shifts to the effector, not the goal location, during unimanual response preparation. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience, London, UK.
Occelli, V., Gillmeister, H., Forster, B., O’Brien, J.H., Spence C., Zampini, M. (2009). Unimodal and Crossmodal Audiotactile Frequency Matching in the Flutter range. Poster presented at the HAID 09 - Haptic and Audio Interaction Design Workshop in Dresden, Germany.
Occelli, V., Gillmeister, H., Forster, B., O’Brien, J.H., Spence C., Zampini, M. (2009). Behavioural investigations of audiotactile interactions in humans. Poster presented at the International Multisensory Research Forum, 10th Annual Meeting, New York, USA.
Goss, S., Gillmeister, H. & Forster, B. (2009) Does seeing you touch an object enhance the perceived intensity of touch on my own body? Poster presented at the 3rd Cargese Consciousness Summer School from May 25th to June 4th at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques of Cargčse, Corsica, France.
Gillmeister, H. & Forster, B. (2008). Attentional selection within and between hands: When seeing your hands doesn’t facilitate tactile processing. Invited talk at the 47th Tactile Research Group meeting, Chicago, USA .
Gillmeister, H., Adler, J., & Forster, B. (2008). Effects of haptic integration on the representation of body parts in external space: an ERP study. 10th International Conference of Neuroscience (ICON), Bodrum, Turkey.
Forster, B. (2008). Attention to touch: ERP correlates of tactile spatial attention. Invited talk at the Cognitive Electrophysiology UK workshop, Sterling, UK.
Gillmeister, H., & Forster, B. (2008). Attentional selection between hands and fingers. Oral presentation at the Cognitive Electrophysiology UK workshop, Sterling, UK.
Gillmeister, H., Rahmen, M., & Forster, B. (2008). Auditory-tactile and tactile-tactile enhancement: The role of task and overt visual attention. Poster presented at the International Multisensory Research Forum, 9th Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany.
Sambo, F.C., & Forster, B. (2008). Projecting peripersonal space onto a mirror: ERP correlates of visual-tactile spatial interactions. Poster presented at the International Multisensory Research Forum, 9th Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany.
Gillmeister, H., & Forster, B. (2008). An ERP study on attentional control in the somatosensory system. Oral presentation at the Cognitive Electrophysiology UK workshop, Sterling, UK.
Sambo, C., Vallar, G., Forster, B., Fortis, P., & Maravita, A. (2007). Changing the spatial position of the left (contralesional) hand towards ipsilesional space improves processing of tactile stimuli in patients with left tactile extinction: evidence from simple reaction times (RTs) and somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs). Oral presentation at the Body Representation Workshop, Rovereto, Italy.
Sambo, C., & Forster, B. (2007). Tactile processing is modulated by task-irrelevant visual stimuli in peripersonal but not in extra-personal space: an ERP investigation. Poster presented at the International Multisensory Research Forum, 8th Annual Meeting, Sydney, Australia.
Forster, B. (2006). ERP studies of tactile spatial attention: effects of visual engagement. Invited talk at 45th Meeting of the Tactile Research Group, Houston, Texas, USA.
Forster, B. (2006). Attention to touch: ERP studies of tactile spatial attention. Invited seminar at the Department of Psychology, University of Plymouth, UK.
Pavone, E.F. & Forster, B. (2006). Electrophysiological correlates of the crossmodal congruency effect. Poster presentation at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Florence, Italy.
Forster, B. (2005). Posture effects on mental transformations of body part images. Poster presentation at the 6th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum, Rovereto, Italy.
Forster, B. (2005). Attention to Touch: Insights from event-related brain potentials. Invited seminar at the Department of Psychology, Auckland University, Auckland, New Zealand.
Forster, B. (2005). Attention to Touch: The effects of vision and posture on somatosensory processing. Invited seminar at the Department of Psychology, University Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.
Forster, B. & Eimer, M. (2004). Vision and gaze direction modulate tactile processing in somatosensory cortex: evidence from event-related brain potentials. Poster presentation at the 5th Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum, Barcelona, Spain.
Forster, B. (2003). Attention to Touch: ERP evidence for proprioceptive and visual influences on somatosensory processing. Invited seminar at the Department of Psychology, Birkbeck College, London U.K.
Forster, B., & Eimer, M. (2003). The attentional selection of spatial and non-spatial attributes in touch. Oral presentation at the 8th meeting of the FEPS, Federation of the European Physiological Society, Bordeaux, France.
Forster, B. (2003). Attention to Touch: Studies on somatosensory event-related potentials. Invited seminar at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, London U.K.
Forster, B., & Eimer, M. (2003). The influence of vision on somatosensory processing. Poster presentation at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, USA.
Forster, B., Gillmeister, H. & Eimer, M. (2002). Effects of gaze direction on somatosensory processing. Oral presentation at the 8th International Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience, Porquerolles, France.
Forster, B., Berlucchi, G. & Alioti, S.M. (2000). Processing of bimodal and unimodal redundant signals: A SRT study in normal subjects. Poster presentation at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA. Society for Neuroscience, Abstracts, 26, 2228.
Forster, B. & Corballis, M.C. (1998). Effects of task complexity on interhemispheric transmission in the split-brain. Poster presentation at the 25th Experimental Psychology Conference, Hobart, Australia.
Forster, B. & Corballis, M.C. (1997). Interhemispheric transmission times in the presence and absence of the forebrain commissures: effects of luminance and equiluminance. Poster presentation at 12th Meeting of the Neuropsychological Society, Bad Wildungen, Germany.
Forster, B. (1997) Interhemispheric transfer in the presence and absence of the forebrain commissures. Invited seminar at the Department of Psychology, University of Konstanz, Germany.
Förster, B., Gebhardt, R.-P., Sieman, M. & Delius, J. D. (1994). Stimulus discriminability and complexity influences on mental rotation effects. Poster presentation at the 22nd Neurobiology Conference, Frankfurt, Germany.