Inconsistent or Over-constrained Assemblies 


This task shows you what happens when the application detects an over-constrained assembly.
Open the AssemblyConstraint02.CATProduct document.
1.  Set an offset constraint to obtain this:

2.  Set a second offset constraint as shown below.

3.  Update the assembly.

The update operation detects difficulties to obtain a valid constrained system: a dialog box appears providing the diagnosis of the problem.

  The constraints involved in the inconsistent or over-constrained system are displayed. The application indicates 
the constraint causing trouble (Offset.8)
constraint Offset.6, which is valid but involved in the inconsistent or over-constrained system 
4.  To resolve the problem, you can

Offset.8 or even Offset.6: you just need to decide the constraint you wish to modify.

5.  Select Offset.6 and click the Deactivate button.
6.  Close the dialog box and update the assembly.

The system is now consistent.



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