Adding Text Before/After the Dimension Value

This task will show you how to insert text before or after the dimension value.
aprereq.gif (1223 bytes) Open the Brackets_views02.CATDrawing document. Create a distance dimension, for example.

1. Click the Select icon I_SelectP2.gif (202 bytes), if needed.

2. Click the dimension to be modified.
The dimension is highlighted and two red triangles appear both left and right of the dimension value.

3. Click the left red triangle, for example.

The Insert Text Before dialog box appears:

 dbinserttextbefore01NLS.gif (8396 bytes)

4. Enter, for instance,  L = .

5. Click OK. The text is automatically inserted before the dimension value. 

Any created Text Before is automatically added to the drop-down list box and can therefore be selected again from this list.

6. Click in the free space.


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