1. Duplicate CATIA V5 environment
(on the desktop). For this,
right-click on the Installation icon and select the Copy option from the
contextual menu. Then, select the Paste
option from the contextual menu.
2. Rename the duplicated icon.
For this, double-click on the icon, select the Rename option from the
displayed contextual menu and then enter the new name. For
example, CNextBatch.
You will now assign a new path to the batch data by modifying the
target name. For this:
3. Right-click on the duplicated
V5 environment shortcut
and select the Properties
option from the contextual menu.
4. In Target
modifiable field, enter the new path.
5. Edit the CNextBatch
file and at the end of the file, replace
start CNEXT.exe -env %GenericEnvName%
with the following:
start CNEXT.exe -env %GenericEnvName% -batch -e CATAnalysisBatch
As a result, when you launch the batch, a panel appears in which you
will enter: