Managing Adaptivity

Adaptivity consists in selectively refining the mesh in such a way as to obtain a desired results accuracy in a specified region. The mesh refining criteria are based on a technique called predictive error estimation, which consists of determining the distribution of a local error estimate field for a given Static Analysis Case. 

Adaptivity Management consists of setting global adaptivity specifications and computing adaptive solutions.


This task shows how to create an Adaptivity Solution.


You can use the sample21.CATAnalysis document from the samples directory for this task.


1. Click the Adapt icon  .
To reveal this icon, click on the arrow beside the Compute icon .

The Adaptivity Convergence dialog box is displayed.

You can change the name by editing the Name field.

2. Enter maximum number of iterations in the Iteration maximum number field and click OK.
The adaptive computation is automatically launched.

The computation is such that all Adaptivity Box specifications are simultaneously respected within the global Maximum Number of Iterations specification.  

3. You can return in Static Solution and check that the mesh has been refined according to your specifications in the Adaptivity Boxes. 


  Products Available in Analysis Workbench

The below capability is available with the ELFINI Structural Analysis Product: 

You can create several Adaptivity Box objects associated to different Static Solutions and corresponding to different regions of your part.

In particular, you can:

create several Adaptivity Box objects associated to the same Static Solution and corresponding to the different regions of your part.
create several Adaptivity Box objects associated to different Static Solutions and corresponding to the same region of your part.
To further edit the Convergence Manager object, simply right-click on the Convergence Manager object (key 3) and select .object -> Definition, or double-click the Convergence Manager symbol in the features tree. 



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