Solving a Set of Equations    

This task explains how to solve a set of equations using the operators and functions of the knowledgeware language. This scenario can be run from any document.
In a set of equations, the semi-colon (;) is used as a separator.
Note that the equations set capabilities require the Knowledge Advisor product. 
  1. Create two real type parameters x and y. If need be, see About Knowledgeware Capabilities . Both parameters are intended to be used as variables in a set of equations.

  2. Access the Knowledge Advisor workbench. Click the icon. In the first dialog box which is displayed, enter the name of the relation, a comment and a destination. Then click OK. The 'Set Of Equations editor' is displayed.

  3. Enter the set of equations below into the edition box:
    y - 2 *sqrt(x) ==2;
    y - 4 *x*x == 0

    Now, your editor looks something like this:

    The value of each parameter is displayed first in the Unknown parameters field, then in the specification tree (see below).

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