Sample: KwrLineConstructors
line(Point, Point): Line
Creates a line from two points.
Open_body.1\Line.1 =
line(Open_body.1\Point.1, Open_body.1\Point.2)
line(pt: Point, dir: Direction, start: Length, end:
Length, orientation: Boolean) : Line
Creates a line passing through a point and parallel to a direction.
The third and fourth arguments are used to specify the start and end points.
The last argument allows you to reverse the line direction.
Open_body.1\Line.2 =
line( Open_body.1\Point.2, direction(`zx plane`), 0mm, 20mm, true)
lineangle(crv: Curve, sur: Surface, pt: Point, geodesic:
Boolean, start: Length, end: Length, angle:
Angle, orientation:
Boolean) : Line
Creates a line passing through a point,
tangent to a surface and making a given angle with a curve.
When the geodesic argument is set to true, a geodesic line is
created(projected) onto the
Open_body.1\Line.3 =
lineangle( Open_body.1\Spline.1 , Open_body.1\Extrude.1 , Open_body.1\Point.4 , false,
0mm , 50mm , 80deg , false)
linetangent(crv: Curve, pt:Point, start:Length, end:Length,
orientation:Boolean) : Line
Creates a line tangent to curve at a given point.
Open_body.1\Line.5 =
linetangent( Open_body.1\Spline.1, Open_body.1\Point.6 ,0mm, 30mm, true )
linenormal(sur:Surface, pt:Point, start:Length, end:Length,
orientation:Boolean) : Line
Creates a line normal to a surface at a given point.
mainnormal(crv: Curve, pt: Point) : Line
Creates a line normal to a curve at a given point.
The line is created in the plane which contains the tangent vector.
binormal(crv: Curve, pt: Point) : Line
Creates a line normal to a curve at a given point.
The line is created in plane which is orthogonal to the tangent vector.
inertiaAxis( 1 , PartBody ) |
Creates one of the inertia axes of a solid (1 along x, 2 along y, 3 along z).
Open_body.1\Line.8 =
inertiaAxis( 1, PartBody)