Interface Summary | |
ImageHandler | Defines the behaviour of all image handlers. |
JWColourListener | Interface for objects that need to be updated when a colour value is changed. |
JWDialogueListener | Interface for objects that need to be updated when a non-modal dialogue is closed. |
JWInterruptionListener | Interface for objects that need to be informed that a process has been interrupted by the user. |
Class Summary | |
BMPHandler | Handles Windows .bmp (bitmap) files |
BrowserLauncher | BrowserLauncher is a class that provides one static method, openURL, which opens the default web browser for the current user of the system to the given URL. |
ComponentFactory | Provides the facilities to create customised components with a similar look and feel. |
EditableHeader | A table header that can be edited by double clicking on the header entry. |
EditableHeaderTableColumn | Represents a single editable column header. |
EditableHeaderUI | Controls the look and feel of the editable table header. |
GIFHandler | Saves images in GIF format. |
GUIHandler | Creates a frame containing logger output. |
ImageUtils | Collection of static image utilities. |
JPGHandler | Saves images in JPEG format. |
JWAxisItem | Object to hold graph axis information. |
JWColourRing | Creates a colour ring for displaying HSV colour space. |
JWColourSelect | Creates a graphic colour selector. |
JWDialogue | Class for displaying for dialogue windows. |
JWFrame | Creates a containing window with status, progress, menu and toolbar options. |
JWGraph | Simple graph object. |
JWGraphItem | Skeleton for a graphical object to be added to Graph. |
JWNumberField | A text field that only allows numeric values to be entered. |
JWPicture | Loads and displays an image in a form that can be added to graphical containers. |
JWRubberband | Draws a rubberband box for interactive selection of rectangular regions with the mouse. |
JWSlider | Creates a compact slider with min/max labels and title. |
JWStatusBar | Creates status bar for displaying messages and progress. |
PNGHandler | Saves images in PNG format. |
PointLayout | Creates simple scalded grid layout with a single cell. |
PrintUtilities | Handles the printing of any printable object. |
RunTest | Simple GUI for testing gui utilities. |
RunTest.MyFontTheme | Colour and font theme. |
SCLayout | Creates simple scalded column layout with multiple rows and a single column. |
SGLayout | Creates simple scalded grid layout with multiple columns and rows. |
SRLayout | Creates simple scalded row layout with multiple columns and a single row. |
TableMap | In a chain of data manipulators some behaviour is common. |
TableSorter | A sorter for TableModels. |
TargaReader | Reads Targa (.tga) image files and creates Java Image objects from them. |
UndoableEditorPane | An HTML friendly text pane with undo and redo facilities. |
General classes for easy and consistent GUI production.
Includes standard parent windows (JWFrame
), dialogue windows (JWDialogue
and factory methods for consistent graphical component production (ComponentFactory