Deprecated API

Deprecated Classes
          Use GarminSerialInputStream instead. 
          Use GarminSerialOutputStream instead. 
          Should use Header and RasterMap. This class is only maintained to allow deserialization of rasters saved in pre 2.0 format. 
          Should use Header and VectorMap. This class is only maintained to allow deserialization of vectors saved in pre 2.0 format. 
          Should use GISVector. This class is only maintained to allow deserialization of vectors saved in pre 2.0 format. 

Deprecated Fields
          Should use VectorStyles.QUALITY instead. 
          Should use VectorStyles.SPEED instead.
          Should use VRML_FACESET instead.
          Should use VRML_HEIGHTFIELD instead.
          Should use VRML_WORLD instead. 

Deprecated Methods
          This method is included for backward compatibility only and should only be used if the more general form of variable substitution via the Substitutable interface (the preferred mechanism) is not being used. 
jwo.landserf.structure.VectorMap.draw(AffineTransform, AffineTransform, float, boolean, float, boolean, Color, float, int, Graphics)
          Set styles in a VectorStyles object instead and call the draw() method that accepts VectorStyles object instead. 
jwo.landserf.structure.VectorMap.draw(AffineTransform, AffineTransform, float, float, Color, float, int, Graphics)
          Set styles in a VectorStyles object instead and call the draw() method that accepts VectorStyles object instead. 
jwo.utils.expression.MathEvaluator.evaluate(Stack, double, double, double, double)
          This method is maintained for backward compatibility only and should not be used with the preferred more general variable substitution mechanism via the Substitutable interface and calling the addVariable() method of MathParser(). 
          There should now be no need to extract the original and digitized vectors. Instead, call commitChanges to combine the two vectors. 
          There should now be no need to extract the original and digitized vectors. Instead, call commitChanges to combine the two vectors. 
          Use getSummarySurf1() instead. This performs an identical function but its new name reflects the fact that it can return either a surface of averages or minimum values. 
          Use getSummarySurf1() instead. This performs an identical function but its new name reflects the fact that it can return either a surface of averages or minimum values. 
          Use getSummarySurf2() instead. This performs an identical function but its new name reflects the fact that it can return either a surface of variation or maximum values. 
          Use getSummarySurf2() instead. This performs an identical function but its new name reflects the fact that it can return either a surface of variation or maximum values. 
          Should use getType() instead. 
jwo.landserf.structure.msn.GraphNetwork.readFile(String, int)
          Currently not implemented. 
          This method has been deprecated in favour of setFinalMessage(). To send messages before the completion of a process, use setMessage() in GISFrame instead. 
jwo.landserf.structure.msn.GraphNetwork.writeFile(String, int)
          Currently not implemented. 

Deprecated Constructors
          This constructor is maintained for backward compatibility only and should not be used with the preferred more general variable substitution mechanism via the Substitutable interface. 

Copyright Jo Wood, 1996-2009, last modified, 11th February, 2009