Creating a Section View / Cut (Planar Surface)

This task will show you how to create a section view / section cut using a planar surface or a wireframe plane in the 3D. 

A section view / section cut is a view that allows sectioning through irregular objects, and thereby allows showing several features that do not lie in a straight line by offsetting or bending the cutting plane.


Before You Begin, make sure you customized the following settings:

De-activate the Grid icon from the Tools toolbar (bottom right).

View names and scaling factors:
Go to Tools->Options ->Mechanical Design -> Drafting option (Layout tab) and check the View name and Scaling factor options.

3D colors inheritance
Go to Tools->Options->Mechanical Design->Drafting option (Generation tab) and un-check the 3D colors inheritance option.


Open the GenDrafting_part.CATPart and the GenDrafting_front_view.CATDrawing documents.

Before You Begin:
Make sure the front view is active on the drawing (double-click to activate it).
Tile your windows vertically to see both your part and the related drawing.


1.   Click the Drawing window, and click the Offset Section View icon or the Offset Section Cut icon I_DrwSectionCutViewP2.gif (305 bytes) from the Views toolbar (Sections subtoolbar).

creatingoffsetsectionview3D02.gif (15498 bytes) Select a planar surface on the 3D part.


The section plane appears on the 3D part and moves dynamically on the part.

The cutting profile is automatically displayed on the front view as well as a preview of the view to be generated.


creatingoffsetsectionview3D03.gif (5302 bytes) Click to generate the view.



You may modify the hatching pattern by right-clicking the section view and selecting Properties from the contextual menu. You will then display a Properties dialog box in which you will either select a new hatching pattern or modify the graphical attributes of the existing hatching pattern. Please refer to Modifying a Pattern.


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