1. Click the Cut Plane Analysis icon .
The Cutting Plane automatically appears.
The Cut Plane Analysis dialog box is displayed.
The compass is automatically positioned on the part, with a Cutting Plane
normal to its privileged direction.
Note that if the compass is already positioned on the view, the normal of
the compass is taken into account as the default normal of the cutting
2. Handle the compass using the cursor and rotate or
translate the Cutting Plane.
For this, you will select an edge of the compass and
drag the cursor. As you modify the plane position, results in the Cutting
Plane are automatically updated.
3. Activate the View section
Only option in the Cut Plane Analysis dialog box to see the section relatively to the
position of the cutting plane.
4. De-activate the Show cutting plane
option in the Cut Plane Analysis dialog box to see only the boundary of this cutting plane.
5. Click CLOSE to exit the Cut Plane application.