Using the Knowledge Inspector 

The Knowledge Inspector allows you to query a design to determine and preview the results of changing any parameters without committing themselves to actually changing the design. This "what if" analysis provides immediate feedback that helps you experiment and refine designs.

While it is important to determine what happens when one or more parameters are changed, it is equally significant for you to see how a design can be changed to achieve a desired result. The Knowledge Inspector supports this by allowing you to query "how to" make a particular change.

In short, the Knowledge Inspector is a tool designed to study impacts and dependencies.

What if
Helps you understand to what extent changing any parameter of your design (such as material, pressure, or a dimensional parameter) changes the operation or design of the product on which you are working. Can be used to examine interactions of parameters with each other and with the rules that make up the product’s specifications.
A "Geometric Update" option enables you to visualize the result of your modification in the geometry area.
How To
Helps you determine how your design can be changed to achieve a desired result.


aremind.gif (956 bytes) You shouldn't use the I_FormulaP2.gif (164 bytes) capabilities with the Knowledge Inspector.

 What If Mode
How To Mode


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