Hiding/Showing Open Bodies
and Their Contents

This task shows how to use the Hide/Show command on different level of open bodies and for different purposes. Indeed you can: 
hide/show complete open bodies
hide/show contextually on any element making up the open body
Open any .CATPart document containing OpenBodies.
You can also open the OpenBodies1.CATPart document.

Hiding/Showing an Open Body

  1. In the specification tree, select the open body you wish to hide/show

  2. Right-click to display the contextual menu and choose the Hide/show command.

The open body is hidden, if it was visible, or becomes visible, if it was hidden.

Visible open body

Hidden open body

Hiding or Showing an open body as a whole can also be done using the Hide/Show icon.

Hiding/Showing the Contents of an Open Body

This contextual menu allows you to hide/show an element of the current body, while using a command:

  1. Click the Line icon and select two points to create a line.

  1. Right-click the element to be hidden from the specification tree or the geometry, and choose the Hide/Show contextual command.

The selected element is hidden without exiting the currently active command.

  1. Click OK in the Line dialog box to create the line.

Repeat the operation on the element again to re-display it.

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