Repeating Objects

This task shows how to create several instances of objects as you are currently creating one object.
This command is available for:
points on a curve
lines at an angle or normal to a curve
planes at an angle
offset planes
offset surfaces
or when performing a translation, a rotation or a scaling on an object.
  1. Select an object, as listed above.

  1. Click the Object Repetition icon or select the Insert -> Advanced Replication Tools -> Object Repetition... menu item.

The Object Repetition dialog box is displayed.

  1. Key in the number of instances of the object you wish to create.

  1. Check the Create in a new open body if you want all object instances in a separate Open Body.
    A new Open Body will be created automatically.

If the option is not checked the instances are created in the current Open Body.

  1. Click OK.
    The object is created as many times as required in the Object Repetition dialog box.

See each specific object creation for further details on the  what parameter is taken into account for the repetition.

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