Disassembling Elements

In this task you will learn how to disassemble multi-cell bodies into mono-cell bodies.

Open the Disassembling1.CATPart document, or any document containing a multi-cell element.

  1. Select the element to be disassembled.
    You can select only an edge of a surface, the system recognizes the whole element to be disassembled.

Here we selected the join made of three elements, each made of several cells.

  1. Click the Disassemble icon in the Join-Healing toolbar.

The Disassemble dialog box is displayed.

  1. Choose the disassembling mode: 

All Cells: all cells are disassembled, i.e. for all the selected element, a separate curve is created for each cell.
Domains Only: elements are partially disassembled, i.e. each element is kept as a whole if its cells are connex, but is not decomposed in separate cells. A resulting element can be made of several cells.

In the illustrations, we have colored the resulting curves for better identification.

Results when disassembling all cells
(seven curves are created)

Results when disassembling domains only
(three curves are created)

  1. Click OK in the dialog box.

A progression bar is displayed, while the surface is being disassembled.
It automatically disappears once the operation is complete (progression at 100%). 

The selected element is disassembled, that is to say independent elements are created, that can be manipulated independently.

Multi-selection is available.

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