Performing Operations on Shape Geometry

Wireframe and Surface allows you to modify your design using techniques such as trimming, translating and rotating.

Join geometry: select at least two curves or surfaces to be joined.
Heal geometry: select at least two surfaces presenting a gap to be healed.
Untrim an element: select a split element, and click the icon.
Disassemble elements: select a multi-cell element, and choose the disassembling mode.
Split geometry: select the element to be split and a cutting element.
Trim geometry: select two elements to be trimmed and specify which side of  element 
Create boundary Curves: select a surface's edge, set the propagation type, and re-define the curve limits if needed.
Extract geometry: select an element's edge or face and click the icon
Translate geometry: select an element, a translation direction (line, plane or vector), specify the translation distance
Rotate geometry: select an element, a line as the rotation axis, and specify the rotation angle
Perform a symmetry: select an element, then a point, line, or plane as reference element 
Transform geometry by scaling: select an element, then a point, plane, or planar surface as reference element, and specify the scaling ratio
Transform geometry by affinity: select an element to be transformed, specify the axis system characteristics, and the enter the affinity ratio values
Transform geometry into a new axis-system: select an element to be transformed, specify the axis system characteristics, and the enter the affinity ratio values
Create the nearest sub-element: select the Insert -> Operations -> Near menu item, the element made of several sub-elements, then a reference element whose position is close to the sub-element to be created
Extrapolate curves:  select a curve endpoint then the curve itself, specify the extrapolation limit (length value or limiting surface/plane), and specify the continuity constraints (tangent/curvature)
Extrapolate surfaces: select a surface boundary then the surface itself, specify the extrapolation limit (value or limiting surface/plane), and specify the extremities constraints (tangent/normal)
Invert geometry orientation: select the Insert -> Operations -> Invert Orientation menu item, then the surface or curve whose orientation is to be inverted, click the orientation arrow, and click Invert Orientation again to accept the inverted element.


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