Boundary Curves

This task shows how to create boundary curves.

aprereq.gif (1231 bytes)

Open the Boundary1.CATPart document.

  1. Click the Boundary icon  .

The Boundary Definition dialog box appears.

  1. Select a Surface edge.

The boundary curve is displayed according to the selected propagation type.

  1. Use the combo to choose the Propagation type:

Complete boundary: the selected edge is propagated around the entire surface boundary.
Point continuity: the selected edge is propagated around the surface boundary until a point discontinuity is met.
Tangent continuity: the selected edge is propagated around the surface boundary until a tangent discontinuity is met.
No propagation: no propagation or continuity condition is imposed, only the selected edge is kept.

No propagation

Tangent continuity

Point continuity

Complete boundary

  1. You can relimit the boundary curve by means of two elements, a point on the curve for example.

  2. Click OK to create the boundary curve.

The curve (identified as is added to the specification tree.

If you select the surface directly, the Propagation type no longer is available, as the complete boundary is automatically generated. 
Provided the generated boundary curve is continuous, you can still select limiting point to limit the boundary.

Using the arrows you can then invert the limited boundary.

You cannot copy/paste a boundary from a document to another. If you wish to do so, you need to copy/paste the surface first into the second document then create the boundary.


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